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Once the other Havenites had all reintroduced themselves to the Northwesterners, Mr. Barakoa said, "It warmed my heart to hear that Xirxine was successfully integrated into every Safe Haven—save for the haven in the Antarctic." He dipped his head to John. "Once again, you have my deepest condolences. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to have another facility built and trustworthy team members sent to assist you."

"Thank you, sir." John nodded back.

"So what's the drum, bosso?" Davey asked, leaning back with his hands behind his head. "Fill us in."

"I vould also like to know dis drum," Endar agreed. "Vy have you summoned me avay from Mudder Russia?"

Páiúni made a series of hand motions and Royale translated, "And me from my peepel?"

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Cameron said, drawing the gazes of everyone at the table. "It's a special event. This is the first time ever that all Safe Havens have known about each other and come in contact. I think that's enough of a reason, right?" She looked at Mr. Barakoa for support.

There was a long pause.

Then Mr. Barakoa replied, "While I wish that were the only reason, Ms. Walden... I'm afraid I must inform you otherwise."

Cameron's face fell. "What... what do you mean?" she stammered.

Mr. Barakoa clasped his hands together and leaned forward. "Listen closely, and you will learn.

After reaching out to each Safe Haven, I discovered a disturbing trend. You see, each haven has records of legends dating back to 500 years—legends telling of glorious battles between a creature of good and a beast of evil. The Phoenix and the Dragon, the Golem and the Thunderbird, the Roc and the Great Bear; all these and more have come to my attention.

Now, this September, every Safe Haven experienced what is known as a "Rising", during which the opposing forces from each haven return to battle once more—one to conquer and the other to protect.

"Wait, so—you're saying that all of the Risings happened at exactly the same time?" John asked, surprised.

"Precisely," Mr. Barakoa confirmed. "But that is not all.

When the Risings took place, enormous amounts of energy were emitted from each Safe Haven. This energy, mystical in nature, seems to have triggered a series of seismic activities worldwide. Reports of multiple earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 8.0 are coming in from all over.

"And you think we're responsible?" Tián asked with a bit of an edge in her voice.

"Not you." Mr. Barakoa narrowed his eyes. "The Giants."

"Giants?" Endar repeated. "Vhat Giants?"

"The Giants," Bari broke in. "Two massively powerful beasts that have nearly been awakened by the energy your battles produced."

"They sleep within the Earth's crust," Mr. Barakoa went on. "They are colossi, eons old—nearly as old as the Earth itself. They are... Behemoth and Leviathan."

An ominous silence filled the room.

Then Cameron asked, "So which one's the good guy?"

Bari turned to her, his gaze dark. "The concepts of good and evil are not factors when these creatures clash," he replied. "In the past, it appears they have fought simply for the glory of it."

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