Chapter 13 : Starting The Preparations

Start from the beginning

"Later than that? Uh, March?" Gargi asked.

"December!" Sharanya answered.

"WHAT!" Gargi squealed on the other side effect the line. "Like this December or next?"


"Oh My God, and what's the date?"

"First!" Sharanya supplied.

"That's like... sixty days, like two months."

"Why are you so hyped today?" Sharanya asked.

There was no response from the other end. She could hear some shifting sounds on the other end. After a few seconds the line went dead.

Sharanya glanced at the phone, looking puzzled.

She decided to call back and before she could press the call button, her phone rang. She swiped the screen to pick up the call.

"What's really up with you today?" She spoke into the phone.

"I just got a little hyped and I needed to bring Arun up to speed. So next week Sunday is your engagement and on December first your wedding. God, I am so excited and happy for you."

A smile made it to Sharanya's lips. She had yet to let it all sink.

"What are you thinking?" Gargi asked.

Sharanya took a deep breath resting her head back against the wall, stretching out her legs. "It feels ... different. I mean, I am nervous and it's not the bad kind of nervous. Still, it's very daunting. Nikhil and I can barely make conversation. I can't imagine spending a lifetime with him."

"Relationship needs time and efforts. It's like a baby. When it's new, it's delicate and you've to take extra care of it, put in the efforts to make sure it's okay. And as it grows, it becomes strong and easier to understand. Then it just becomes a part of you." Gargi, the wise one said.

Sharanya wordlessly agreed. "Hmm, anyways what I actually called for was the engagement ring. I have zero knowledge. I will need your help with that."

"Don't worry about that. Let's do this, take a day off tomorrow. I will come over and we'll discuss everything from your dress to hairstyle for the engagement and then we'll see if we need to buy something. Where's the engagement ceremony happening?"

"His mother said that they'll organize it at WoodRose Hotel if possible otherwise they'll arrange it at their place. She said she'll confirm by tomorrow."

"Cool, then. You sit and prepare for your interview and I am going to be your wedding planner."

Sharanya smiled, "you may want to coordinate with Akshu, she's been on  her laptop ever since we came back."

"Look, I am making it clear. I am your maid of honor okay. That reminds me, the Bachelorette party. Let's do that on your birthday week? Two in one? We'll call some of the girls from college group."

"No," Sharanya muttered. "It's going to be odd, most if them are already married and won't even show up."

"You know what, that's my domain, sorry I mentioned it. You prepare for your next interview. Okay, bye... I have loads to do. I need to make lists and what not!"

Sharanya closed her eyes. It wasn't new news, Gargi had always been more excited about her wedding than Sharanya was herself. She decided it was best to spend time on preparing for the interview, it would be good distraction from the pre-wedding jitters.

* * *

When Sharanya had asked for Gargi's help in purchasing a ring for Nikhil. She hadn't anticipated that she'd tag Arun along. But what surprised her was that Nikhil joined them too.

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