Sae-byeok didn't respond to her as she continues walking around aimlessly, making [Name] question whether she was actually looking for someone or not. The [hair color] haired woman glosses around the room while also trying to match Sae-byeok's pace in order to keep up, which proved to be a difficult feat due to Sae-byeok being a fast-walker.

[Name] huffs, irritated at the fact Sae-byeok seemed to be disregarding her presence as a whole, not to mention how she wasn't even searching for another addition to the team and instead kept her eyes fixated on her shoes with her hands deep in the pockets of her sweater.

"We don't need to look."

[Name] blinked owlishly, stunned at the sudden comment spoken by her silent companion. Sae-byeok sent a mere gander at her partner before returning her gaze back in front of her. "It's obvious that sexist back there had already planned to gather the male additions himself, so there's no need for us to lethargically search in vain. Why do you think he sent the two of us together first? He knew there was no possibility that a man would wish to join a team prevalent of women. These men here have bruised egos, my evidence to this claim is Sang-woo and his fragile masculinity."

"Oh," [Name] nodded, processing the rant and not knowing how to respond, "I see."

The two of them continued walking in silence, neither of them bothering to say another word. [Name] merely gazed around the room, until her eyes landed on a lone woman sitting on top of the stairs, fidgeting around with something in her hands. "Hang on," she reached her hand out and grabbed onto Sae-byeok's arm. The other woman paused her movements and sent a curious glance to her holder. "What about her?" she suggested, pointing over to the girl who sat atop the steps.

Sae-byeok followed [Name]'s finger and her eyes landed on the woman as well, taking it into consideration. Though, before she was able to respond, the two woman heard commotion coming from Number 212 and Number 101, causing them to curiously look over at the scene. Albeit, couldn't see much due to the crowd, but able to hear the begging coming from the woman.

"Let's team up next time," Number 101 suggests as he attempts to walk away, only to get yanked back by the woman.

"Babe!" she shouts, tugging him back towards her and she grabs onto both of his wrists. "No way. You're joking right?" she forces a smile.

[Name] furrowed her brows. Since when did they start dating?

"My team is already full," 101's expression showed no emotion of playfulness. "Can't you see? We have exactly ten people."

Number 212's smile instantly dropped, letting out a shaky breath. "Babe, don't be like that," she whimpers, getting on her knees and beginning to grovel. The man lifted his chin up as his face contorted into an annoyed expression. "I'm sorry! I'm do better! Babe, I'll do anything you ask! I'm good at everything, you know that babe."

"So," 101 sighs as she gets back to her feet, "let's split up just for this game. Then meet up for the next one, all right?"

Number 212 latches her arms around him, squeezing him tightly as if he'll disappear if she lets go. He hesitantly wraps his arms around her, though not as tight as she. "Babe," she pleads. "Why should we split up? You said we'd stick together to the end! Babe!" she moves her hands and plants them on each side of his face, using her thumbs to stroke his cheeks. "Can you really do without me? I can't do this without you, babe."

She brings his face closer to her, pressing her lips desperately against his. Number 101 scowled and shoved her to the ground. "Get off!" he snarled as she collided with the floor. "God damn it! You're so damn clingy. Stop calling me babe. Call me babe one more time and I'll rip your tongue out of your mouth."

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