Chapter 9 - Pink Pants

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The three sit at the table, Brandon, and Lia on one side while Maddy sits on the other, her back to the front of the café. Her frappe sits in front of her, the ice cream dripping down one of the sides as she plays with the drink, her straw bobbing the ice .

"So~" Maddy sings, a cheeky grin appearing. "Are you two official now?"

Brandon chokes on his coffee, milk spluttering from his mouth. Lia is quick to hand him a paper napkin, shooting Maddy a rather embarrassed look.

"I- I um, how did you know we're, well –"

Lia places her hand on his arm to shut him up. "We've been... hanging out more, if that's what you mean."

Maddy rolls her eyes. "I'm not blind. I know something's been going on between the two of you for a while, I just didn't want to say anything 'til now to, you know, jeopardize it."

Lia smiles softly. "Well, thanks. Just so you know, we're not... officially... there, yet. We didn't' tell anyone because there's just been so much going on with Cam, and Brandon's new job."

Maddy nods. "It's okay, I'm not mad you hid it from me or anything. I love you both, you know that, and if your love for each other is a bit... more, then that's great!" she bounces in her seat, the excitement overwhelming her.

Brandon clears his throat, his cheeks tinged pink as he finally finds his voice again. "You don't mind?"

Maddy shakes her head profusely. "No, not at all. As long as you don't mind me still sharing Lia's bed every now and then."

Lia throws her head back in a loud laugh, catching the attention of a few of the café's customers. Brandon smiles at her, a twinkle in his eye that makes Maddy smile even wider as she takes a few large slurps from her drink.

"You're right, I promise nothing's going to change. As long as Brandon doesn't have a problem with you and me sharing a bed, I won't have a problem with him and Cam snuggling."

Brandon's cheeks once again burn, almost matching his hair. "I like to cuddle when I sleep, okay?"

Lia lovingly brushes her hand against his shoulder. "I'm only teasing. I don't care at all when you get cuddly with the others. We're all family."

Maddy nods in agreement. "I don't know where we'd all be if we didn't have Brandon dishing out the snuggles."

Th two girls laugh, much to Brandon's embarrassment, but he still smiles, leaning over to place a kiss on the side of Lia's head. The first kiss he dared out in public for everyone to see.

Maddy can't help but let out a sigh of happiness, watching as her two friends sit just that little bit closer now that the cat is out of the bag. They complimented each other so well. Lia, the small but mighty and Brandon, the giant but cuddly.

Cam and Ollie would be just as happy to know about the little relationship blossoming before their eyes, but Lia had a point. The two boys were going through a bit of rough patch at the moment, and it might not be wise to flaunt Lia and Brandon's happiness in front of them quite yet.

For now, Maddy was happy to be their little confidant.


Cam runs the towel through his hair, attempting to catch as much water as possible before he exits the bathroom and hangs the towel over the back of the kitchen stool. Brandon and Maddy had their towels already hanging to dry in the bathroom.

The sound of dishes clinking catches his attention, and Cam's shoulders tense up. Oliver stands in the kitchen, a tea towel in hand as he dries dishes, his work shirt creased and his tie hanging loosely around his neck.

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