Chapter 7 - Listening

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Oliver lay awake in bed, eyes staring up at the ceiling for hours. On and off he would fall into a restless sleep, only to waken to his thoughts spinning through his head. A part of him wanted to get up and storm into Brandon's room, demanding Cameron to talk to him. The other side of him knew that was a bad thing, and that he needed to calm down and let Cameron have his space.

He was awake as the sun creeped up through the curtains, and he was awake as his phone alarm beeped beside his head. Flinging a hand out from beneath the sheets, Oliver shuts it off before the sound can wake anyone else, and heaves himself from the purple sheets.

It doesn't take long for him to get ready, creeping from the bedroom to the bathroom to shower and shave. When he finishes, he hangs up the spare towel and moves to the kitchen.

Brandon's door handle twists, the door hinge squeaking slightly. Oliver's breath catches in his throat as he waits to see Cameron's head pop out from the bedroom, but instead of the mop of dirty blond hair, Brandon's tall frame exits the room, dressed in loose pants and a t-shirt.

Brandon closes the door behind him, smiling in greeting as he moves to the kitchen, following Oliver who goes to the cupboard where the cereal is held.

"You're up early," Oliver comments, grabbing the milk from the fridge.

Brandon leans against the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he watches Oliver serve himself breakfast, a tired look in his friend's eyes.

"I wanted to see you before you left for work."

Oliver pauses, looking at brandy from the corner of his eye before he continues getting himself breakfast and leaning against the opposite counter.


Brandon hums. "Cameron had a chat with me last night."

And there it was. He couldn't say that he was surprised Cam had talked, but he'd kind of hoped it would have been him to come out of that bedroom to talk face to face with him rather than Brandon.

"What did he say?"

Brandon scratches at his chin for a moment, letting his hands lean back on the counter behind him. "He's feeling like you're not listening to him."

He frowns. "I listen."

His tall friend shakes his head. "You listen, but you don't always take in what he's saying."

Oliver takes a mouthful of his cereal, keeping an eye on his watch for when he has to leave. It hurt to think Cameron didn't believe he listened. He tried really hard to be a good friend, to listen and help him when he could. Was he trying too hard? Was he making Cameron uncomfortable?

Brandon sighs, moving from his spot to grab a glass and fill it with water from the sink. "Have you ever thought that maybe you should ask Cam what he wants to do about things?"

It's Oliver's turn to frown. "What do you mean?"

There's a soft pause between them as Brandon sips from his glass and Oliver takes a few more mouthfuls of his slowly soggy-turning cereal.

"Did you ask him if he wanted to stay over last night?"

Oliver opens his mouth to say yes, because of course Cameron would have said yes, only to cut himself short and shut his mouth. Playing over last night in his head, all Oliver could come up with was the residual feeling of anger and annoyance. He'd thought if they stayed over, both of them could stay away from their roommates, especially since the group of boys were planning on partying.

"No, I—" he stops himself again, not really knowing what to say.

He didn't ask Cameron. He assumed it would be fine. Obviously, that was stupid.

Pieces of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora