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It's Friday afternoon, I'm gonna tutor Lee's kids. I'm just finishing up the work he gave me. He came in. "Hey. You ready?"

"Almost, give me five minutes."


"You need this today?"

"Yeah, I didn't want you to do it on the weekend. Unless you want to take it home today."

"No. I'm almost done."

"Okay, I'll be back." He walked out. I just need to write these addresses then I'm done. Apparently some principals are coming to see the school Monday. It took three days because no one answered their email Wednesday so I couldn't make the final list. Until today. Which is taking forever for no reason. Well I do have a reason. Dallas likes to text me while we're working so we had a whole conversation which distracted me. I'm almost done. Just one more address. Alright. He came in. "Right on time I just finished."

"Perfect. Let me show you where my kids are." I follow him to a classroom. "They're in here."

"How old are they?"


"Wait do they go here?"

"No. They're with their mom more so they go to school where she lives."

"Oh okay."

"What would you say your best subject is?"

"English maybe or history."

"Okay good. It's a English test." We went inside. "Guys, this is Ms. Waters. This is who I told would tutor you guys."

"Hi Ms. Waters." They say at the same time. "Hello. It's nice to meet you guys."

"Alright, I'll be back in an hour." He walked out. "Okay, can I know you guy's name?"

"I'm Jennette."

"I'm Jonathan."

"Okay. Right here, I have some practice questions that were on the old test. We're gonna do them. I'll walk you through it. Since we only have a hour, we'll spend thirty minutes on questions and thirty on the essay portion unless you guys prefer something else?"

"No ma'am."

"Okay good. We'll probably get through maybe twenty questions. I circled every different type, I'll explain then we do a problem like it after. That way, you get a understanding of everything. Not just one thing."
"Okay guys. I'm gonna take your essays home to look over them, you take the test home. Your dad will give it to me tomorrow, I'll look over it and tell you what you need to work on, okay?"

"Yes ma'am.".

"Alright, we're done."



"Can we tell you something?"

"Of course, I am a counselor, tell me anything."

"We don't like living with our mom, she abuses us."

"Can you tell our dad please?x

"Okay. I will. How long has this been going on?"

"A few months. She drinks a lot and sometimes we don't eat."

"Oh. I'll get your dad to fix this don't worry guys."

"Thanks, we're scared to tell anyone."

"You guys just met me though."

"You're nice to us." He walked in. "You guys done?"


"Perfect, thank you so much. You guys go on to the car." He gave them the keys. "You ever thought about being a teacher?"

"Yeah but I like being a counselor though. It would be hard to do both even in the same school."

"I'm sure we'll be able to find a way, if you want to."

"I'll think about it. Are we missing a teacher?"

"Yes we are. One of our English teachers had a baby and she took off for her birthing period but she left so she could take care of her baby since her husband works."

"Oh okay well yeah I'll definitely think about it. If counseling didn't work I would teach."

"You're already a great teacher."

"Thanks. I need to tell you something though."

"What is it?"
I go in the house. It's weirdly quiet. "Dallas?" There's six kids in the house there's no way it's this quiet. "Faith?" I go upstairs. "Demi?" What the hell? I go back down. Maybe they're in the basement. Dallas did put a tv and some couches down there. I go down and hear the tv. Okay I know someone's here. I make it down and see them all. "Hey babe."

"Hey guys. You guys had me so worried."

"Sorry about that. We're gonna order pizza, want some?"

"Not right now. I'm tired."

"Okay, hold on." He got up. "I'll be back." We went upstairs. "How was work today?"

"Tiring. Especially after school but I'm glad I did it."

"You've been doing a lot more these past years."

"Mh. For the kids."

"I know for the kids but you're a bit overworked."

"I don't think so."

"I think so. Maybe take a break soon. For me and the kids?"

"This weekend?"

"You're doing something related to school this weekend so it doesn't count."

"Oh." He pick me up bridal style. "You don't see me doing anything principal like on weekends do you?"

"No. I guess not." He took me upstairs. "You wanna change?"


"Alright." He laid me down and took my heels off. "No more heels for you."


"Your feet are sore."

"What other shoes you want me to wear?"

"Some cute little tennis shoes that can go with a skirt or a dress. Or some flats at the least."


"I rather you be off your feet but you like to work."

"I do. I love it."

"But you love me and the kids more right?"



"That's a hard question. Why would you put me in this predicament?"

"Devine, you're kidding right?"

"You know I am. Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know."

"Can you get me a snack?"


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