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I'm at the girls school to pick them up. I don't feel that well. But I have to get them until I figure out the bus thing. If I want them to ride the bus...I see them coming out holding hands. Aw. They got in. "Hey guys."

"Hi mommy."

"How was school?"

"Very fun."

"Good." I drive to Layla's house. "Where are we mommy?"

"We're staying with Auntie Layla for now on. Okay?"

"Okay?" I get them out. I go inside and they ran in. "Auntie!" I sigh.
"Want some?"

"I'm not supposed to drink Layla."

"Oh yeah."

"What am I gonna do? I'm broke, homeless..."

"You ever think about talking to your parents again."

"Absolutely not. My parents wouldn't help me again. Especially with three kids. Also it might go wrong."

"It never hurts to try..."

"I don't think so. Not right now."

"Well you and the girls can stay however long you need. I don't mind."

"Thank you."
I wake up from the tv being loud. What time is it? It's only three. I turn the tv off and went to the room. God this brings back so many memories. We used to all sleep together before I got our house well before I got enough to get them a separate bed. I got in with them. I need to do something.
A few days later
"You have no right to let my daughter get hurt!"


"Don't Miss me, my daughter has bruises! I shouldn't pick up my daughter and see her sad and hurt. The fuck is wrong with this place?"

"Miss calm down you're pregnant."

"You haven't said anything about what you're doing about my daughter's situation."

"You haven't gave me a chance to say anything. "

"Okay. My bad."

"Who did your daughter get hurt by?"

"Her teacher. Mr. Daniels. The one of two goddamn male teachers in this school!"

"Oh...I'll have a talk with him.."

"My kids won't be coming back unless he's gone and if he's not I'll definitely make sure of it. I will get everything this fucking school has so you better do something."

"Of course ma'am."

"Come on guys. Sorry you had to see mommy like that." We got in the car. "I'll make sure it never happens again Demi..you don't deserve that. That creepy ass man touched you and shit. If they don't do something about it, you'll go to a better school that's probably more fun. Hopefully. God..." I drive back to Layla's house. We went inside. "Go do your homework snacks on the table." I sat beside Layla. "What's up with you?"

"I'm just stressed out. They're letting my baby get touched on at that school."

"By a student?"

"No. The teacher. They only have two male teacher in that school and Demi is in his class."

"Shit. You take her to the hospital?"

"I didn't even think about that. I just yelled at their principal. This is how I'm gonna get us money. I'm not letting them get away with this."
"Demi show her where your bruises are." She pointed to different parts on her chest. "Is there some on your back?" She pulled her down and whispered to her. "Miss. Can you and your other daughter step out for a second?"

"Sure come on Faith." We walked out. "She okay?"

"She didn't want us to be in there."

"Oh. Then it might be something more."

"This is what I get for putting them in a school in the ghetto."

"It's not the ghetto."

"It's close enough." I sat down. "Mommy can I get chips?"

"When your sister is done you can."

"Okay." The door opened. "We need to talk."


"I'll take Faith to get some chips."

"So what's wrong with my baby?"

"She has something in her."

"Excuse me?"

"Like a toy or something. In her private part." I stared at her. "Miss?"

"Can you get it out?"

"Can she stay overnight?"

"I guess. Just don't hurt her."

"Of course." I go back in. "You have to stay here tonight but mommy will be back in the morning. Okay?"

"Okay." I kiss her forehead. Faith walked in. "Here sister."

"Say thank you."

"Thank you."

"We're coming back to get you in the morning don't worry."


"Say bye to your sister Faith."

"Bye bye."

I can't sleep. My daughter has something stuck in her.  I can't wait to go to that school. We're getting anything we can. I wanna drink but I'm being considerate of my baby. This would be a good time to drink. Speaking of my baby I've been so focused on everything else I haven't checked on him. After this is settled I'm focusing on him. I rub my belly.
I go in the school. "Good morning Miss-."

"Is Ms. Frederick here?"

"Yes she is. Can you sign-."

"No!" I go to her office and Mr. Daniels was in here. "Hi. Miss-."

"Don't start with me. My daughter, you know demi right?"

"Yes I do."

"She's in the hospital." The principal looked up. "She had to stay overnight. I'm picking her up after this if they got the toy that's stuck in her out."


"You're going to jail you child molester."

"Can I talk?"

"Yeah in court. I'll be seeing both of you." When he's gone my baby will be safe.
I sign in. I hope they got the toy out. I bet she was so uncomfortable. I'll get her some candy to make her feel better. "Hello Ms. Waters."

"Is she okay?"

"Come with me she's fine." I followed her to a different room. "Mommy!"

"Hey baby. Do you feel better?"


"Good. Can I take her home?"

"Yeah. Try not to put too much pressure on her. No rough playing okay Demi?"


"By any chance do you have the toy?"

"Yes I do. Why?"

"I need it in court."


"Yes. Her teacher put the toy in her. I'm suing him and the school." I pick her up. "I don't think you should hold her while you're with child."

"It's fine. It won't be for long."

"You don't want a wheelchair?"

"I can't afford it. I'll just take her."

"Oh okay. Well you both be safe."

"Thanks bye."

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