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I wake up. I think I need to eat something. I have a headache. I turn the tv on. My stomach hurts. I get out of bed and drink water then I went to the bathroom and threw up. Fuck. I hear my door opened. "Hey girl. You just woke up?"


"You want something to eat?"

"Like what?"

"Crackers and cheese.x

"No cheese too salty."

"Okay. I'm making chicken noodle soup."

"Please don't make it salty. I don't think my stomach wants that right now."

"I won't."
I saw my kids before they went to bed. "I gotta tell him soon. I can't keep getting crazy sick and think he won't notice..."

"Whatever happens you guys stay with me...I have a extra room."

"Thank you. I'm grateful for you I swear."

"No problem."
I woke up from him coming in. "Hey..."

"Hey you feel better?"

"I guess..."

"Hm." He got in the bed and wrapped around me. "You're quiet."

"I feel like the girls don't see you enough."

"I try to be here when I can baby. I'm off this whole weekend. We can take the girls out. We can try to have some time for ourselves. Maybe Sunday, I could take you out."

"Sounds good." He pulled the cover up.
"Mommy." I open my eyes. "Good morning Faith."

"Demi hungry and me too."

"Okay give me some time and I'll be up."

"Kay." She walked out. "Good morning baby mama."

"Good morning..." He got up. "Don't bother getting up. You probably still don't feel well."

"Okay." He kissed me and walked out. I get up and go to the bathroom. "Babe?" He opened the door. "Can I get some privacy? Shit."

"Don't talk to me like that."

"What you want?"

"Layla's here."

I get out the shower. "Hey girl."

"Hey..." I went in my closet. I dressed quickly. "Why you here?"

"You got a appointment miss girl."


"Why else? We need to see if the baby's okay." I walk out. She looked at me. "Come closer." I go up to her. "You already getting belly girl."
"For real?" I look in the mirror. "A little but it's not that noticeable."

"You need to eat and drink tons of water..."

She put the gel on my belly. "There they are.." I look at the screen. "That little thing there. That's your baby."

"Okay." She looked at me. "Is this your first baby?"


"Oh. Well I hope the father is happy or will be soon."


"Do you want a picture?"

"I guess."

"Okay." She wiped the gel off. "I'll be back."

"How you feel?"

"I feel like I don't want a baby."

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