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"Mommy? Wake up."

"I can't ask Layla.*

"Can you help me with my homework?" I sigh and look at the time. "Why didn't you do this last night? Didn't we make sure everything was done?"

"I lost it." I sit up and stretch. God I feel horrible. Layla and I drank last night. Who drinks on a Wednesday? "Sit on the bed and show me what you need to do."
"Come on guys. I don't have all day." Layla just left without saying anything. She was supposed to take my kids to school. "Come on Demi! We're already late cause of that homework." She came down. "Grab some chips and let's go. You already missed breakfast."
I walk them into school. "Good-."

"What I'm supposed to sign?"

"Um. Here's a late slip you can put both of their names on it. Put the time-."

"I can read."
"Okay. I'm sorry."I put Josh down sign it. "Is that all?" She read over it. "Oh Ms. Waters, Mr. Williams has been expecting you."

"For what?"

"He didn't say. I'll escort your kids to class and you go ahead in his office."

"Okay. Bye girls."

"Bye mommy." They hugged me then left. I picked up Josh and went to his office. He looked surprised when I came in. "Was I supposed to knock or something?"

"No. I didn't expect you today."

"I had to drop my kids off."

"Who is this?"

"My son. His name is Joshua say hi baby."


"Hey little one. God you have perfect kids."

"Thank you. So I heard you were expecting me."

"I was, I should've called."

"Were you nervous?"

"Yeah if I have a chance with a wonderful woman like you."

"That's so sweet of you."

"Is there any night you're free so I could take you out?"

"I'm free any night but I prefer the end of the week."

"Perfect." My head is still killing me. "You okay?"

"Do you have some water?"

"Yeah, you okay? You're not about to pass out are you?"

"No, I'm just hungover."

"Oh." He gave me the water. "You have Advil?"

"No not on me, I don't bring drugs to school with me."

"You do drugs?"


"Mh. "

"Do you?"

"Of course not I have kids."

"I have kids as well."

"How many?"

"Two. A Fourteen and a Thirteen year old."

"Oh wow. I didn't know they would be so young."

"Yeah, but I've been back and forth with women. I don't have the best luck with love."

"Yeah me neither. I haven't been with as many men but they weren't the best."

"I don't see anyone trying to lose someone like you."

"Oh my god you're too nice."

"I try to be. I haven't been successful with other women cause I'm apparently too nice and soft."


"Yeah. I think that's crazy."

"That's definitely crazy." Someone knocked on the door. He looked at his watch. "Do I have to go?"

"Yeah I have a meeting, I forgot."


"How bout you come during lunch. I'll get us something." I smile. "Okay." He opened the door. "See you later Ms. Waters."


"You guys come in." It was a bunch of people. I wonder what this about. It's not my problem though.
"Oh my god, I can't wait until you get another man. Especially that cute principal guy."

"Yeah he's so sweet."

"So tell me about this man.."

"He's so sweet I really like him. He has kids."

"Really? How old?x

"Fourteen and Thirteen, he's thirty-four."

"He's thirty four? You don't think that's too old?"

"He's not that much older than us."

"He's almost ten years older."

"Layla it doesn't matter. Let's move on."

"What you getting dressed for?"

"I'm going to see Dallas."


"We're gonna eat lunch together."

"Every man you meet does that lunch thing."

"Isn't that nice?"

"It's lame and old."

"You're lame and old and you need to get a man."

"I don't need a man. Plus if I get a man your kids won't have a babysitter."

"Your not the only person who'll babysit."

"You can't get any better than me, I don't want money and I stay with your kids until you get back."

"Yeah but your lonely. You just hang around us everyday. You don't think you need to date?"

"I'm good."

"Whatever is best for you girl. I'm leaving. I'll be back."


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