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"Faith pick up your toys. Do you guys ever not make a mess? I swear we clean this room every weekend."

"Hey beautiful." He kissed my cheek. "Hey. I see you found your key."

"I did. What you guys doing?"


"Oh okay. Hey girls."

"Hi man." They came over. "Can we get snacks?"


"No. You guys just had breakfast. They're just tryna get out of cleaning."

"Oh my bad. I'ma go to your room."


"Why do we have to clean mommy?"

"I wanna walk in here and see the floor. I don't want you guys living in filth either. Pick up your dresses, when you guys play dress up you need to put it back in the closet. Your toys too. When you get done with them put them in the basket. That's not too hard is it?"


"Exactly. The faster you do it, the quicker you'll get done and I'll give you a piece of candy."
I go in my room. "They napping?"

"Yeah. What are you doing in here?"

"Waiting for you." He pulled me up to him. "I've missed you."

"Where have you been?"

"Busy." He kissed me. "That's not a good answer."

"But that's all you're getting."


"Since I've missed you so much I haven't had any type of love in forever."

"Obviously. You haven't been around."

"I haven't been around for you and my kids."

"You talking about money?"

"Mh. Especially for that expensive ass rent. More than mine which is crazy."

"I wanna move but I like it here."

"It's nice here you shouldn't waste your time or my money."


"We've talked enough, don't you think?" He rubbed my sides in my shirt. "We have sex almost every time I see you."


"Devine!" My door opened. "Um. I need help."

"What's going on?"

"Come on!" She pulled me out and Kris followed behind. She opened the door. "Layla...who the fuck are these people?"

"I really messed up. I stole money from them."

"What the fuck? What do you want me to do?"

"I'll handle it babe."

"Uh okay." He went out and closed the door. "What are you doing stealing money?"

"I need some for my abortion."

"Oh my god. You could get us killed and you brought them here?"

"They followed me here but it doesn't matter, Kris is handling it."

"He shouldn't have to because it's not his problem, you just got him into your shit."

"It's fine."

"It's fine because it's him not you."

"Whatever." He came back inside. "What happened?"

"I won't be able to save you next time."

"Next time?"

"Yeah they're coming back and I can't do anything about it."

"Layla if you can't keep this under control you can't stay here you're risking our lives."

"I'll control it. I promise."


"Let's go back to the room."
"We should probably tell them so us sleeping together makes sense and me being around too."

"I really want to. When do you think we should?"

"I don't know. But soon cause I just want them to call me daddy and be more excited when they see me. Then we can be a real family."

"Yeah." He kissed me. He hugged me close. "I wish we got together sooner."

"Well it wasn't my plan to get together with you."

"I know but....you coming for money made this. We're perfect for each other, you know that right?"

"Yeah." He kissed my forehead. "I see you getting tired."


"Go to sleep..." I close my eyes.
A few hours later
I wake up. Kris got up before me. I look at the time. It's six. I need to cook dinner soon. I get up and put my robe on. I walk out and the smell of food hit me. I walk further and I see Kris in the kitchen with the girls. He's dancing and playing with them. Aww. I don't want to stop this. He eventually saw me. "Hey baby."

"Hey.." I go in the kitchen. "This smells amazing." He smiled.
We told the kids about Kris being their dad and nothing changed. We explained what it was and everything. Now they're in bed. Wow this day went by so fast and it was so good. I'm cleaning the kitchen and dining room now. "Let me help you."

"No I got it."

"No. I'm the one who cooked so let me and you go enjoy yourself with the bath I ran you."

"You ran me a bath?"

"Mh. I'll join you in a few."

"Okay." Wow I feel special...

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