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"You talk to your friend?"

"I did...and I broke it off."

"That's good. She was so toxic and if I didn't know any better I would say she liked you."

"Oh no no no. She doesn't like girls."

"How do you know?"

"We've been friends since highschool. I've told her everything and she did too."

"But you guys are older now. Things can change."

"That's true. But it doesn't matter anymore.. she's gone. I should've made more friends."

"You still can."

"Yeah. I won't start working until next year probably well a real job. I guess I could get out more."

"Yeah you could. Staying2 locked up in your house is not good for you."

"Yeah but I don't know... Layla was a good best friend..."

"People change, especially if they're jealous."

"Yeah...by the way. Thanks for not getting mad when Curtis came around and that other guy."

"Why would I get mad? That's not my business. It's only my business if you get hurt. But I won't care if you tell me about your exes cause I don't know them and I definitely don't care about them. No offense."

"None taken. So what are your kids doing today?x

"They're just at home. They don't really pay attention to me."

"Oh, why not?"

"They don't really like me, they prefer their mom.."

"Well do they see her?"

"She's dead."

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Do they know?"

"No. She didn't want me to tell."

"Well maybe you should anyway."

"I don't know about that. She died like a few years ago. I have custody but they're supposed to see her on special events."

"Well if you tell them maybe they'll warm up to you."

"That's a good idea. I could use her death as a way to get my kids to like me."

"Oh not like that, and it also might backfire. You need to explain why you didn't tell them. This could backfire though."

"I'll tell them soon. They do deserve to know."


"I'm lucky to be dating a counselor." I laugh. "Am I good?"

"You're great." I smile. "What kinda school you wanna work at?"

"Highschool. I know they do more than give advice but I'm fine with that. I'm prepared."

"You are. You didn't do six years of school for nothing."

"That's true."

"Mommy!" She ran to me.  "Yes baby?"

"Can I have water?"

"Yeah." I get her bottle. "Thank you."

"How old are your kids?"


"Both of them?"


"I don't want to tell you how to raise your kids but don't you think they should grow up.x

"What do you mean?

"Like they still call you mommy and you bring a little baby bag. I understand for Joshua but I don't know for the girls."

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you still treat them like babies."

"They are babies."

"They're nine. They'll be in middle school in like two or three years. They can't be babies forever."

"I want them to be but they are getting a little older. I need another baby."

"Uh. You still have Joshua."

"Yeah but he's gonna grow up soon.

"I doubt you'll wanna sit through a whole nother nine months cause you want a infant."

"I don't know.." He looked at me. "I'm kidding."

"Who would you have a baby with anyway?"

"I don't know, a random man on the street..."

"Oh really?"


"Ima pretend I didn't hear that."

"I was kidding."

"Alright." My phone rang. "Hello?x

"I'm out."

"Who is this?"


"Oh I didn't know you were still in jail. I thought you just had a few months."

"Just two years."

"And you're calling me why?"

"Can you take me to my parents house? You don't gotta get out just drop me off."

"Okay. I'm guessing you wanna see your kids too."

"You know I do including my son I haven't seen yet."

"Alright, I'm coming."

"I can guess who that was."

"Yeah. You wanna meet at my house or you going back home?"

"Let's go to your house."

"Okay." I took my key off. He looked at me. "You want me to go in?"

"Yeah go in."

"Alright...you sure?*

"Yeah. Go in. It's fine. I trust you." He stared at me. "Alright." We stood up. "Come on guys were leaving." They whined. "I know I know. We'll come back tomorrow. How does that sound?"


"Come on, I gotta make dinner too." They ran to the car. Dallas grabbed my hand. "You look really good with regular clothes on you know." He let go and pulled me to him. "You look amazing in anything."

"Can you stay the night?"

"I'll need to let my kids know. They probably don't care anyway."

"That's sad... they're your kids."

"It doesn't matter it'll probably change soon, if it doesn't I still have you."

"Aww." He moved down. "Hopefully I'll get lucky tonight."

"Maybe you mean." He chuckled. "Hopefully and maybe."

"But probably not."

"Why? You haven't had any in two years."

"I need some, I was kidding."

"You sure kid a lot."

"Because I like to joke." I get my kids in the car. "So are you joking or not?" I smile.  "Im joking."



"Friendly hug?"

"Just friendly." He hugged me. When he hugs me I feel so warm and safe. It just feels different. "Okay this goodbye was a little too long. We're gonna see each other soon."

"Okay." He opened my door. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye bye." I closed the door. Now off to see Kris.

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