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I wake up. I slept really good. "Good morning baby."

"You still here?"

"Yeah I'm bout to get up and go."

"Stay a little longer."

"Gladly." He hugged me.
A few weeks later
I'm now passing every single class. Kris has been taking me on so many dates, we even went out with the girls. I don't know how I would introduce him as daddy to the girls. Should I? Is it too early? He's been around a lot lately and the girls are really happy with him around. They just call him the man for now. I'll think about it more. I should relax and enjoy this warm bath I made for myself. I close my eyes. I should try to do this often. My phone rang. Really? I look at it. Oh it's Layla. "Hello?"

"Uh hey."

"Hey. What's going on?"

"I miss you. I'm sorry for using you for money, I know you asked me for money and that was so you and your family could have a place to stay but I asked you for money because I gambled a lot even when you were struggling and you're a good friend because you gave it to me. Then I talked you into getting with Kris for money, I knew you would give me some if I asked cause you're nice like that, you might hesitate but you still give in. Anyway I'm trying to say that I'm sorry, I won't use you for money but I do need a place to stay."

"I accept your apology, but why do you need a place to stay?"

"The money I was getting and giving to you and stuff wasn't really my money and I couldn't pay them back, so I lost my house."

"Okay well you know you would have to stay on the couch right?"

"Yeah, I won't be there all the time because I'm looking for a job and I expect to work a lot."

"Okay, when are you coming?"

"Can I come tomorrow morning? It's Saturday so I doubt you're busy. Right?"

"Yeah. You can come but you need your own stuff, clothes, towels, maybe food, and regular stuff."

"Okay thank you so much. You're just too nice and I took advantage of that."

"It's okay."

"How are you and Kris?"

"We're good. He's around more, he's so sweet to the girls."

"So, are you guys together?"

"I guess you can say that. We've been going on tons of dates and stuff. He even buys things for the girls."

"That's nice. So the girls must like him."


"Do they know that he's their dad?"

"No. I don't know when I'll tell them. I think they see him as a father figure or somewhat."

"Oh okay well I'm going to bed now so goodnight."

"Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy." I open my eyes. "Good morning mommy."

"Good morning baby." I heard beating. "Someone at the door."

"I heard it baby." I get up and stretch. It's too early for this. I go out of my room. Who is it? I look outside. I open it. "Layla you're so early."

"I know."

"Come in." She came in with her things. "I got a huge rule for you by the way."


"No strange men in my house and no sex."

"Okay, I cut off Calvin anyway. He got me pregnant."

"Oh. Really? Did he leave?"

"After I told him I wasn't keeping it."

"Wait you're killing the baby?"


"Oh. Okay. Why?"

"I didn't plan on having kids this young or at all. I think it's better because all I do is drink and hang out with bad people. I don't want a baby having that life."

"Oh okay. I understand."

"I know you dropped everything for your kids and I love that but I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I just can't, I don't see myself changing just for a kid."

"Oh. Whatever you want I guess...." This will be on my mind all day.
I sat plates down for them. "What kind of juice do you guys want?"


"Okay, you too Demi?"

"Mh." She already has a mouth full of food. I fill their cups and sat down. I can't wait until I get out of school and have more time for my daughters well in the summer, I won't be off completely. I've thought about dropping out so many times cause sitting at this table with a five and six year old at twenty two is not what I imagined. But what Layla said... she wouldn't change just for a kid. I understand what she's saying but the way she said it. I don't expect everyone to follow what I did and have their kids young but wow. I didn't feel right about aborting my kids. When I got pregnant with Faith I was so scared but I was about to take a innocent life. She's such a happy girl I'm so glad I didn't hurt her, both of them. I was gonna give up after Demi but then faith would be alone when I work and as she got older. Wow I think a lot. I'm just saying that I don't see myself hurting my child because I don't wanna change. If Kris got me pregnant right now I wouldn't hurt them. He would be there and I'm glad. "Mommy!" I look up. "We're done mommy can we play?"

"Yeah go play." They ran from the table.

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