Start from the beginning


I leaned up so I could reach my phone that was lying on the bedside table so I could scroll on social media a bit before Jon came back from changing clothes. As I was briskly scrolling through my Instagram feed, I decided I'd answer back to a few unread messages that I had yet to get back to.

I saw that I had a shit ton of message requests, but to be honest, that's nothing new. I have got to look through some of those, just in case one of them was something important. You never know what can happen, especially being a musician and all. I tapped it and the first name that popped up instantly had my stomach in knots and I started to feel a very heavy pain in my heart. Caleigh Ryan. What could she want? And why did she message me? Miss thing needs to stay in her lane, I don't want to be dealing with her. Not now, and definitely not ever.

As much as I didn't want to read the message, my curiosity got the best of me and I had to see what it was she sent. What if it was a death threat? She wouldn't go that low.. Would she?

Sighing at my decision, I tapped her name and pressed the accept message button. What I had to read was a whole hell of a lot. It was a long paragraph, and then some. What the fuck? What is this even for? Yeah, me and Michael called it quits, why should they even remotely care or worry about me anymore? I just don't get it.

{{the message Caleigh sent to Ashland on Instagram!👇}}


well, well, well! If it isn't the lowlife
that my boyfriend was dating. Ugh!
I can't believe he went after a girl
like you. Look at you! I can't even
stomach to look at your profile picture
while typing this out, but I'm only
dealing with it so I can write this to
your entitled, prissy, and spoiled
ass. Don't ever, and I mean ever!
Come near my man. If I see you &
him near one another again, you
will be dead, lady. I'm not playing.
You may think you're all big and bad
with that so called best friend of yours
but even Jon doesn't want someone
like you. Keep dreaming, sweetie.
Michael never was the one for you.
He was, is, and always will be the
one for me. 😘😘😝

P.s, If you're cheating, ya might as
well go on ahead and let that cat
out of its bag. You don't want to keep
anyone waiting. I know how girls
nowadays are. And it seems to me
that you are one of them. Now excuse
me, I have a loveable and amazing
Michael Wilson Hardy to love up on..
Oh, and you don't. Ha! It's funny, isn't
it? Well, to me it is. Have a great day,
whore! 😂😇

The name calling, rubbing in my face that she has Michael now, calling me ugly, or at least hinting to that, all of the shit she said, I didn't even care the slightest about. What angered me and made my blood boil was the fact that she said Jon didn't want someone like me. And calling him my "so called best friend".. What the fuck kind of crack is she on?!

I know who and what Jon wants, I can see it in his eyes. I'm not trying to sound narcissistic or anything like that, but he's told me on multiple occasions that he wanted me in so many ways. That crushed me. She doesn't know Jon like I do, hell no one does, for that matter. That boy is my best friend. My whole world, my everything. And she doesn't know that if I lose him, I'm losing absolutely everything in my whole world. I can't do this life without him.

Though I will admit, the fact that she called me a whore when I never did anything really shows the type of woman she is. I truly don't see what Michael could've saw or seen in that girl that made him attracted to her. She's rude and ugly, at least she's ugly on the inside. The outside doesn't matter. It's all about how a person acts, talks to others, and other things, not their looks. Though judging by the way she talked to me, she doesn't seem like a very nice person.

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