Neferious Strikes First! The Play Of Despair!

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Warnings; Primarily a duel chapter so I hope you enjoy =)

(Last Time On The Previous Chapter Of Yu-Gi-Oh Re: Seize. . .!)

"Well, I would be surprised if you weren't. You two pretty much weren't taking any prisoners today," Travis laughed.

"Mhm well, Arata seemed way more merciless than I was," Seirus chuckled, his hands finding themselves resting behind his head, "Though, it's a shame Lucky didn't make it. Then we would have had a trio. He probably got really caught up in some family business or something so I don't blame him."

As they silently agreed on that, Seirus seemed to have finally clicked onto something before turning to Steria who seemed to be in thought. However, she wasn't so far gone as to not notice him suddenly locking her eyes onto hers, "Wh-what!?"

"Ah, my bad. I was just wondering why you didn't join in on the duels as well?" He cheerfully asked.

Her eyes widened a bit before reverting back into an annoyed frown that really made Seirus wonder if she was either still holding a bit of a grudge or well. . .perhaps it's best not to assume that just yet. Needless to say, she quickly answered his question with logic, "Of course I wouldn't. If I did I would have brought too much attention and Neferious would learn of my location a lot quicker."

"Ah, that makes sense," Seirus said before turning back to face the setting sun from afar. As though on cue, the wind began to blow past his face as he smiled forward, "Bummer, and here I was hoping that we could have a rematch. I bet it would have been a lot of fun, too."

Unknowingly to him, he didn't notice her expression going soft with a mix of surprise at his comment. The words that Mr.Marufuji said before replayed in her head as his actions and remarks match perfectly with the conversation they had before. Though, from another person's perspective, it didn't seem to sink in well with how docile she was being in response to that. More specifically, Rena frowned and went over to Seirus before pinching him in his thigh which sent a jolt of pain all over his body. His face cringed due to the pain as he let out a screech between his clenched teeth.

"Nghaaaaaaa! OW! OW! OW! OW! What the heeeeeeeck!" Seirus cried with Rena's grip still as tight as ever.

The female bodyguard student glared at him, "Are you trying to embarrass the princess in front of her own citizens as well, Yuzaki? Last time you were lucky but to think you would get so cocky because of a victory is as low as I expected you to be."

"Araggh, tha--that's not what I said-! OOOOOW!" the Nexus duelist grunted with his words as her pinch somehow managed to get even tighter.

"Speak clearly now, Yuzaki. Otherwise, you're not helping your case," Rena frowned.

Baring with the pain, Seirus knew that this fellow wasn't particularly one to be rational when it comes to Steria. Though, he still felt the need to point out, "I would if you weren't trying to rip off my skin! God, now I am wondering how Travis didn't get surgery at this point!"

"Who said I didn't, heheh?" Travis asked with a chuckle, "Our little miss here nearly dislocated my shoulder once. If I remember, everyone during middle school compared her strength to a gorilla----! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

Just as soon as that remark was made, Rena released her grip on Seirus and immediately went to put Travis into an armlock. The speed she did it at was impressive to say the least which led Seirus to believe that maybe Neferious is the one who needs protection from her. Though feeling sympathetic for the poor lad who was desperately calling mercy, the Nexus duelist along with Arata and Sho who were both amused yet scared tried to pry her off him before his arm snapped like a twig. However, despite the fact that someone was about to lose an arm, the whole scene was just as light-hearted as Steria expected it to be. Especially since Rena was just doting as an overprotective mother when it comes to her. Be that as it may, she was beginning to warm up just a bit. Perhaps, maybe she was over complicating things.

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