Heated Duel Between Foes! Seirus vs Steria!

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(Last Time On The Previous Chapter Of  Yu-Gi-Oh Re: Seize. . .!)

"That's right, and considering your life points are like a faint candle, this duel is over!" Steria announced, "Jormunhand! Destroy Buster Blader! Azure Frosted Breath!"

At her command, the draw opened it's large maw, revealing frost like breath that shot down towards the swordsman. In seconds, the legendary warrior was engulfed by blue-frosted flames that caused it to scream in pain before being obliterated along with his sword. Lucky shielded himself from the ensuing flames before he was thrown onto his back by the large azure explosion.

Lucky's LP: 250 → 0

Winner Of The Duel: Steria Von Astraea

"Lucky!" Seirus cried, running onto the stage with a worried expression on his face. He knelt down, checking to see if he was alright as he groaned in pain. Soon enough, Aki and Momo joined him, checking to see if their friend didn't suffer any grave injuries from that nasty fall.

However, the youth in question slowly opened his eyes, signaling to them that he was okay, "I'm alright. . .just that my confidence just took a plunder."

"It's okay, you did amazing out there! You're dueling really got me to the edge of my seat!" Seirus assured.

"Hmph, if that's what you think then you're probably dumber than I thought," Steria insulted while walking towards them after brushing her bang to the side.

Seirus shot her a glare, "What do you mean? Lucky nearly had you beat so you should at least praise him for that!".

"Nearly?" Steria said before laughing, "Hahahahah, if you saw my hand during that turn then even if he survived that last attack he'd lose! Not only that, but I had a spell to regain my life points if it were to come to that point! Either way, he lost completely after making such a bold move on his previous turn!".

"What did you say!" Seirus growled, getting irritated by her attitude.

"Oh please!" Steria said, scoffing his glare as if it were nothing, "He basically betted everything he had on that single turn as valiant the effort was. However, it was a blind attack as he didn't account my face-down was a defensive card. If he simply didn't get all happy then maybe he'd lasted longer."

"You know what, I'm getting really tired of that type of attitude! How about we just get onto where you and I settle things!" Seirus insisted, "I've been anxious to duel from watching on the side-lines! Forgive me since I'm not much of a watcher!"

"You took the words right out of my mouth!" Steria smirked, her bluish-purple eyes glaring back at the boy who was smirking back at her, "How about we make a wager?"

"A wager? Bro, you don't have to--" Lucky tried to reason before being cut off.

"Lay it on me. I'm game," Seirus replied with little to no hesitation.

"If you somehow defeat me then I'll overlook your transgression and pay you no mind for as long as I attend here. Not only that but I'll do whatever you want, once." Steria offered before continuing with a sly smile, "But if I win, you become my servant who will obey my every order with no questions asked? I got a dog suit and everything so don't worry about getting a uniform."

"Deal!" Seirus immediately agreed, earning a questioning glare of his sanity from his friends, "Just be sure to hold up your end of the bargain!".

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