School Field-Trip!?!?! Confrontation With The Chancellor Of DA

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(First School Day Of The Next Week, Duel Academy Sho Marufuji Classroom. . .)

It had been roughly two days since the incident at the Battle Dome and things progressed rather smoothly from there. Aside from the frustrating difficulty of removing the arm bands that had been forced upon them as well as being forced to sit through boring interrogations from the security staff after they reported what happened: the gang could safely say that it was over. . .for now at least. Assuming that they now know that they were part of the academy and they partook in a duel that practically had their lives on the line if it went too far, Seirus was one hundred percent sure that the school would be notified of the incident immediately. Though, he didn't necessarily care and showed it as he rested his cheek on his arms that were laid on top of each other while his sleeping yet out-going face was covered by a make-shift mask that had two dots and a smile drawn on it.

Lucky couldn't help but wonder at his increase creatively to slack off in the middle of class to be a good showing of his best friend's mind or a bad thing in the long-run. He sighed, "Man, to think that he could just snore away like this after a duel like that. I swear, it's like nothing fazes this guy."

"Cut him some slack, Lucky," Momo said with a warm smile on her face, "I think anyone deserves some rest after what happened."

"Needless to say, we still have no clue of what those creeps are exactly after," Aki pointed out, the tip of her pencil breaking as she thought back to what happened.

The energy sapping device was one thing but the fact that they sealed her powers was another. Despite her initial nervousness of her psychic powers, Aki was confident that if she ever got into some serious trouble then she could always use her abilities to get her out of sticky situations. But what happened back there was a whole other level of what she'd expected. However, that was on the back of the fact that those goons weren't even targeting them directly but only trying to get to someone else.

Just as that thought passed, the door to the classroom opened once more for about the sixth time today. It was to be expected since students were just getting to class to which it became a surprise that Seirus actually made it on time for once. That aside, Aki couldn't help but stare intently at the people who entered the room: most importantly, the princess herself. She watched them walk up the steps of the auditorium before finally reaching towards her row with her bodyguards aside. Though, surprisingly enough: instead of Travis taking the seat next to Seirus like they did before, Steria took the initiative and entered first. Aki raised an eyebrow while Momo nearly dropped her pencil on the floor from what she was seeing. However, nothing could compare to Lucky's reaction as he saw her blatantly sitting down next to the napping Nexus duelist though she didn't bat him much of an eye. His eyes were wide yet frozen like a statue.

After everything that happened during their last meeting, Lucky was more than half-expecting her to be a bit childish and change her seating in order to avoid him but instead, she was actually doing the exact opposite. Heck, even her attendants were surprised as Rena looked on with a cringed look on her face while Travis looked a bit shocked before smirking slyly as though he was catching on to something. Wasting no more time, the two sat down next to the princess with Rena being right next to her lady. It was hard to see from his position but Lucky could swear he saw her eyes glaring at Seirus who was completely unaware of his surroundings.

Nervously, Lucky faced forward though he could feel the stares from his fellow classmates who saw the whole spectacle from afar. He couldn't blame them, he was literally asking the same question they were thinking, "Wha--what!? Why is she still sitting here after everything that happened!" At that moment, the doors opened once more, revealing the light blue haired teacher in his uniform as he took a sip of his coffee. He walked over to the podium as if this were another typical day before glancing over towards the source of most of his troubles recently.

Yu-Gi-Oh Re: Seize!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu