Duel Of Stakes On Top Of The Battle Dome!

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(Last Time On The Previous Chapter Of Yu-Gi-Oh Re: Seize. . .!)

"Awww, what's the matter little buddy?" Momo asked softly, in hopes of trying not to scare him.

The boy looked up and was met with questioning stares though he steeled himself with courage, "M-my dad. . .he's hurt and is in trouble. I don't know wha-what else to d-do!"

"He's hurt? Where is he?" Lucky pressed further.

"H-he's upstairs but. . ." He stuttered, pausing in between sniffles.

Seirus felt a tinge of pain in his heart though he couldn't understand exactly why until he decided to ask, "But what?"

"Some mean guys are beating him up. The-they said go get the people with a little blonde girl and red hair girl wearing a uniform. . ." He admitted.

At that moment, Lucky felt a thousand arrows shoot through him at once. Not only had he been called a girl by basically everyone that he was friends with, he was even called a girl by a little kid. He slumped down onto the floor, his hand and knees clearly in defeat to where he didn't even notice Momo patting his bat in hopes to comfort him. On the other hand, Seirus stood up from his seat and walked over to the boy in question.

He kneeled down and pat both of his shoulders, causing the boy to look up at his wide smile, "Don't worry, I'll get your pops back in no time at all. Just lead the way little bud."

"Re-really!" The boy gasped, his eyes brightening up with hope.

"Of course, I promise!" Seirus chuckled, his legs standing up as he looked back at his friends, "You guys wait here, this won't take long."

"Yeah right, don't hog all the fun yourself. I'm coming too!" Arata chirped, tossing the last card from his booster pack to the side.

Seirus smiled, nodding with approval, "Fine, you can come too. I'll be counting on Lucky to pay the bill."

Hearing this, Lucky looked up with absolute shock. His mouth dropped open as complaints went flying out of his mouth in disbelief, "Hey wait! We agreed on equal pay!"

"Sorrynotimetowaste! Gottago, BYE!" Seirus said rapidly before speed off with the boy in hand.

Arata laughed as he chased after them in a hurry, leaving the girls along with Lucky at the table. The timid duelist was left in shock and the words that he said earlier were echoing through his head over and over again. He couldn't help but laugh a bit, seeing how he was subconsciously right about jinxing it for the rest of the day. Though, a small bit of laughter soon turned into absolute rage as he screamed to the heavens itself.


(Continuing From Where Last Chapter Left Off, Diamond Stone City Battle Dome. . .)

"Hey kid, I know you said your dad was upstairs but I didn't know you meant that he was on the rooftop!"

Seirus complained as they were currently speeding up the stairs like track and field athletes. After literally maneuvering through the crowds and avoiding security in ways that made them seem like they were starring in an action movie or something, the Duel Academy student duo of collective idiots found themselves running up the staircase that led up to the rooftop of the Battle Dome. Their feet were getting tired, especially Seirus who was carrying the small boy on his back which spoke volumes on how much energy he had.

The boy whimpered, "So-sorry I didn't-"

"Don't sweat, that just means these guys wanted us alone for some reason," Seirus assured before noting, "Though, I don't know why they are going this far to lure us out. What do you think, Arata?"

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