Pre-Field Trip Negotiations!?! Seirus's From The Heart Answer!

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(Continuing From Where Last Chapter Left Off, Shortly After Mr.Marufuji Class Finished.)

"Alright, that concludes our discussion on the Romans for history as well as for today! Make sure you all study the material for the upcoming test after the trip and while we're on that topic, you all will receive more information about the trip through your PDA Tablets. Understood!?!"

Despite Mr.Marufuji's overly energetic tone, the whole class collectively groaned out a response, "Yes!" Just at the right time at what seemed to be the end of a long and boring lecture was the bell that signaled to them that it was time for them to leave. Taking the chance as though it were their only grasp of light, the students of the light blue haired teacher stood from their seats and began collecting their things as they were exhausted. It didn't take long before a flood of students began to make their way out the door with some lingering behind in trivial banter or they were still gathering their things. Nevertheless, the teacher's most troublesome student who had gained that title since his first week into the class had to stretch his arm over his shoulder with a yawn that he made sure the whole class could hear.

"Haaaah, finally this school day is over! Anyone thinks the Burger Shack is still open or they closed early today. . .?" the Nexus duelist tiredly questioned. He rubbed his eyes with his newly acquired pendant swaying across his chest lightly as he waited for a response. Though, all he was met with was questioning stares from his friends and the Astraeaians beside him that made him a bit uneasy and confused. It wasn't like this just started now as he could have sworn they were staring at him ever since he returned back to class as he was the last one to leave the Chancellor's office. He was most certainly late though it was worth it to get in one last tease against his foster father that he didn't want to admit; he enjoyed being around with. But from what he could recall, as soon as he entered the class, he could see his fellow students that had surrounded his seat since the day he joined the class glance right at him. . .or at least he could have sworn. That said, the Nexus duelist scratched his cheek as he continued to ask, "Uh. . .what's wrong? Something on my face?"

"Seirus. . .," Lucky started with a questioning frown, "Got any more shocking and surprising secrets you want to share with us?"

Scratching his head, the Nexus duelist was quite confused as to what spurred him to ask that, "Uh, none that comes to mind. What's wrong, did I do something?" If they could without risking an even bigger headache than before, his classmates that he had gotten quite fond of would have probably slammed their heads into the desk in front of them to rid themselves of his infectious obliviousness.

"Sorry but forgive us for not realizing that you are the son of the freaking Chancellor of Duel Academy!" Lucky nearly screamed though it was a good thing that the whole class was too busy minding their own business to hear that part. Otherwise, this would have turned into a whole other fiasco entirely.

Pouting, Momo decided to chime in with him on the scolding, "Yeah, you could have at least warned us!" With Aki nodding next to her, Seirus really did feel like this was the world against solely him as he tried to throw his excuses now before he'd get tied up on a tree branch and left to hang. Something he wouldn't doubt them of being capable of doing since Aki was on their side.

"Hey, cut me some slack, I literally had no idea that my dad had that job in the first place. I always assumed he was just someone who worked multiple jobs due to how late he'd be coming home," Seirus defended though judging from the looks of things, he wasn't going to be able to sway them easily. He chuckled nervously, wondering what type of star he was born under in order for him to get him this kind of attention. Though, as he was about to continue, he could hear the seat next to him begin to slide against the ground so loud that it caused him to turn to see where it was coming from until he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder to which the initial action itself nearly made him jump.

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