~Headcannons- phobias~

Start from the beginning



Phobia- Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns

He was in middle school when he decided to watch a scary movie about clowns. And at first he was okay, but that Halloween when he was at a haunted house attraction, he saw a clown. He's never been the same.


Phobia- Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society.

He just never liked people. They have been really mean to him and people he is close to in the past. So he just stays in his house and plays video games. He really only talks to Kuroo because she has learned to trust him.
(I was gonna make a gravity joke but I didn't)


Phobia- Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at

This all came from Lev being little and so tall. So when he would go around when he was a baby he was toddler size. It freaked people out. So he's never liked people staring at him because he's felt eyes watching him all his life.



Phobia- Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders

He's never liked them. It's common to have a fear of spiders. He just hates the way they look. And his mom was bit by one ,so that may also have been a factor to his fear.


Phobia- Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched

Okay. This is from Iwaizumi not being liked hugged and stuff as a child(?). So he adapted to the surroundings and doesn't like to touch much. And the only exception is if he really trusts you.


• Ushijima

Phobia- Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying

He went on trips with his dad to volleyball games. And he would go out of the country sometimes. He was unsure about flying. But he wanted to make his dad happy by going, so he did. But the turbulence on the landing scared him, and on their way back his dad had to drag I him onto the pane to go home. And he hasn't lied planes since.


Phobia- Catagelophobia: Feat of being ridiculed

This came from him being bullied as a kid. And his teams from that will never leave him, so now he is scared of people calling him names or saying bad things about him.


Phobia- Megalophobia: Fear of large things

He has always felt really uncomfortable with dog huge things. Like big statues in museums. I think he has a fear of them falling on top of him and crushing him.



Phobia- Mysophobia: Fear is dirt and germs

He has had a fear of getting his grandma sick from being something home. So he keeps very very clean to keep that from happening. And his grandmother also taught him to keep very clean. That's why his has his ritual.

• Atsumu

Phobia- Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles

So Osamu caused it. He had thrown a snake at Atsumu when they were playing as kids. And the thing almost bit Atsumu, causeing Atsumu to start balling is eyes out. And he no longer trust any reptiles.

• Suna

Phobia- Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors

He definitely was at a sleepover as a young teen. And tried one of those lock yourself in bathroom with the lights off, and chant one of those creepy things. And he saw something. So he tries to avoid mirrors, especially at night.

• Osamu

Phobia- Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners ( also can mean anything unknown)

This happen for Osamu when him and Atsumu were being stupid and Atsumu dared Osamu to go into a dark basement, and touch the wall on the far side. And Osamu did, and he swears until the day he will die, that something whispered in his ear. So to this day he will not trust anything or anyone unknown.


Phobia- Trypophobia- Fear of holes

He gets very jumpy and uncomfortable around holes close together. He doesn't know where this fear came from, but he can't stand to look at holes. They scare him tremendously.

A: Hope you enjoyed. And reminder I have none of these phobias so they my not be accurate to the actual phobia or how they can develop.

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