Chapter Twenty-Nine.

Start from the beginning

"I understand you must be feeling uncomfortable, but I promise you I will make this situation as simple and straightforward as I can..." He told me, pulling some notes out of my folder. "Now, judging from your case notes, you are under seven weeks pregnant. Is that correct?" He queried, allowing me to nod in response. "In cases under seven weeks, we terminate pregnancies via the use of two different pills..." He started explaining, leaning down into his drawer and pulling out a leaflet. "The first pill you will take here, at the hospital, which contains a drug called mifepristone. This particular drug helps to block the pregnancy hormone, preventing the foetus from growing any bigger. Any questions so far?"

Despite all the newfound knowledge I had to take in, I responded with, "No, I don't think so..." which allowed him to carry on with his explanation.

"So, after you've taken the first pill, you will be free to go by your day and continue with any activities you've got planned. Then tomorrow morning, you will need to take another tablet called misoprostol, which can be taken either vaginally or orally..." He continued, eyeing me for a moment. "The purpose of that is to help make your uterus contract, allowing the pregnancy tissue to break down and eventually shed away. It normally takes between 4-6 hours for that process to begin but in some women, it can start sooner." He described and it just seemed like I was going to have a period of some description. "You will experience heavy bleeding and quite painful cramping but it should pass after a couple of hours. Do you understand? If you do begin to experience any cramping, it is safe to use over the counter medication to treat your pains and it won't counteract the termination medication."

Not really knowing how to answer, I nodded, thinking it was the only logical thing to do at the time. With that, I watched him stand up from his desk, returning moments later carrying a white, plastic cup and two tablets, each one wrapped up in packaging.

"Here is the first pill..." He stated, handing it to me, retrieving it from his fingertips. Popping it out of the packaging, I placed it into my mouth, swallowing it down with a mouthful of water. "...and here is the second one. As you can see, the packaging is rather small so I suggest you keep it in a safe place to prevent yourself from losing it..."

Doing as I was told, I slipped the second tablet into my make-up bag, knowing it would be one of the first places I'd look in the morning. Before I left, he went through some general advice with me, telling me what I needed to do if an emergency occurred. Agreeing to everything he said, he gave me the all-clear, allowing me to step out of the room and walk the short distance to the exit.

Strolling out into the crisp air, I made the short journey to the bus-stop, wanting nothing more than to go home. I told Sian I was going to come in after my appointment but I just don't feel like it, especially because I didn't want to leave dad on his own for so long.

If you asked me how I was feeling right now, I don't think I'd be able to explain it. Hopefully, this ordeal will be over by the end of tomorrow...

...although I already knew that the emotional/mental effects would stay with me for longer.


The following morning, I woke up feeling rather positive about the day ahead, even though I had the looming fact that I was going to terminate my whole pregnancy by the end of today hanging over my head.

Climbing out of bed, I completed my everyday morning routine, which consisted of taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth. Re-entering my room, I pulled a clean set of uniform out of my wardrobe before I quickly dried my hair, popping some mousse into it for a bit of volume.

Retrieving my make-up bag, I emptied the contents onto the floor, coming across the second pill that I needed to take. Picking it up, I popped it out of the packaging and placed it on my tongue, swigging it down with a glass of warm water that had been sat on my bedside all night, the taste of it making me feel nauseous.

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