Chapter 18 - Nome Escort

Start from the beginning

"You can come on out now, don't worry. They don't mean any harm."

The three nomes reluctantly stepped out of their hiding, keeping their guard as Mono and SIx waved at them.

"Hey, little people. My name's Mono."

Seven transformed back into a human, putting his thumb to his chest as he introduced himself.

"I'm Six."

"And I'm Seven!"

He raised a hand and waved at them with a smile, to which they waved back in response. Suddenly, the three nomes got closer to them, their trust in them being verified as each nome went up to a single human. One went up to Seven and waved at him, another went up to Six and jumped up and down with excitement, the final one going up to Mono and pulling his trenchcoat open, hiding inside of it.


Mono was confused but ended up allowing the nome to get comfortable in his clothing.

"So, are we gonna be babysitting these nomes until we get out of here, or..?"

Six lifted the nome that had walked over to her up to her face, examining its cone-shaped head.

"I mean, I'm don't mind."

Seven shrugged, giggling as the nome that had gone up to him ran around him in circles.

"We can't keep them forever, they'll be in great danger if we encounter that lady again."

Mono flinched as the nome that had walked up to him was now climbing up his back, sitting on his shoulder and leaning its tiny body against his head.

"If that's so, then let's just get them to a safe spot where we can let them go free!"

Seven enthusiastically spoke as the urge to keep the nomes as their company grew even more as Six's nome began to bow down in front of her repeatedly.

"The heck is it doing..?"

"I think it's pledging you as it's queen!"

Seven laughed as Mono shook his head with amusement, the nome continuing to bow in front of her.

"Wait... really? Okay, this one's a keeper then."

She scooped up the tiny nome and embraced it, turning toward Mono and Seven.

"Let's get going so we can find these little dudes a safe hiding spot as soon as possible."

Letting go of the nome she had picked up, Six let it run around with the other two nomes, the three meeting up near the doorway and waiting for their human companions to follow them. Mono turned toward Seven and inquired him about a question that had been bugging him.

"So, Seven... can you talk to nomes..?"

"Kinda. I can't hear them talking, but I can understand what they're trying to tell me. Only when I'm a nome, though. Right now, I haven't got a clue what they're saying."

"Wait, you can TALK to the nomes?!"

Six was appalled, her eyes widening with jealousy.

"How come you two get all the cool powers?"

She crossed her arms, sarcastically scowling at Mono and Seven.

"Well, what even are your powers Mono?"

Seven asked, scratching his head. Mono remembered now, he hadn't clarified his true abilities to him yet.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you. Well, let's just say I can shoot electricity out of my fingers."

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now