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Jungkook P.O.V

I brushed my hair, dusted my shirt, stuffed my small torch light into my pocket and got out of the house. One week and one day. He hasn't even come home since yesterday. Ha, keep on ignoring me, I love playing games too Mister Taehyung. I thought as I threw my phone on the street breaking it into two. "Now search for me but I promise I won't come out until you're begging." I smirked and picked up my phone and then threw it in the trashcan nearby.

Is it a too much. I don't think it's too much. Toxic you may say but hey, a competition is a competition. It's all fair in love and war and this is a war. An all out one. He was the one to start it I will be the one to finish it. And I have the perfect plan. I haven't even told my hyungs about the plan cause I know they will ruin it and especially not noona. She will take it even more far. I giggled at my thoughts as I turned left and right trying to get to my hideout.

My hideout is in the middle somewhere of the forest that is a 30 minutes walk from my home. I found it when I was in police. At first it was a hideout for another small gang. I arrested them all and that hideout became mine. Ya, and nobody knows about this place. I thought of telling Hobi hyung but he would get too excited and then tell Jimin hyung and then Yoonie hyung will know too.. Then it won't even be a secret hideout.

And the scenery here is perfect. Especially at night. The small hut has everything from a bed to food storage. But like, I couldn't install a fridge. There were no electricity plug. So, I have only kept canned food and cup noodles. There is a small clearing in the front where you can lie down and watch the stars at night. It's really calming. And nobody would come this deep in forest. Except those wild animals but I can fight them. Unless it's a tiger or bear, which this forest fortunately doesn't have.

I checked my torch light and the battery was full. I smiled and took a long breath. I always loved nature. No loud sounds, may have picky thorns in the bushes but it's so calm and peaceful. And it feels like no one will get me here. "My own world." I mumbled as I laid down on the grass. The sun is still out so I couldn't look directly up. So, I faced my small hut. I smiled again and the closed my eyes. Let's sleep for a while..

A/n P.O.V

Taehyung smiled to himself as he entered the house. A little too much proud of himself as he sat on the couch. "Jungkook", he called out as he checked his phone. He has gave the job of hiding the body to Bambam and Yugyeom. Not of Seohun, of course. That bastard is still alive... Half alive but still breathing. So, he had to make sure everything was ok there and he could continue to make things ok here. 

But it was strange. Jungkook hasn't come down at all. Taehyung sighed. 'He is seriously angry with me'. He thought as he shouted again. "Jungkook, come down. It's time for practice." Again no reply. He sighed and stood up. "I think I should say sorry and clear up the misunderstanding." He said to himself and took the stairs up.

"Look Jungkook I'm sorr-." He stopped. There was no one inside the room. He went inside and closed the door behind. He took a full round scan of the room but Jungkook was not here. He hurried up to the bathroom and knocked. "Jungkook are you in-" The bathroom door was open and empty. No one. Jungkook wasn't here. He started to panic. Shit. To late. Either Jungkook is now taking it too seriously or somebody took him away.

Taehyung sighed as he got out of the room after checking it the fifth time. Jungkook was really no here. Not in this whole house. "Where the heck did he go." Taehyung said as he tried to call him repeatedly but it kept saying not available. He then tried Lisa's number. She picked up. "Oh hey boss. How did you reme-" "Is Jungkook there in the cafe." Taehyung cut her off, irritated. "Ah, no. Why did you ask-" He ended the call. Jungkook isn't there too..

"Hyung." Taehyung breathed deeply. "Seriously, Jungkook is no where to be found." Taehyung said panic lacing his voice as he was on phone with Yoongi but the talking person was Jimin. "Ok it's ok Taehyung. Control yourself. Jungkook will be ok and we are coming there right now. Please be calm and don't do anything silly-" "Hey V." It was Hoseok. "Find my brother fast and now." It was a clear statement- no, a command.. it almost sound like a threat. Hoseok was angry. V gulped and then sighed. "On it Boss.."

V was too. He was growing angrier and angrier every moment. The sadness and panic all thrown out of the window. Which fucker had dared to touch what was his again. His eyes twitched. And he called a number. "Order." It asked. "Find Jungkook." He replied and waited for a second. "Sir, his last location was xxx street. The camera on the street shows that he broke his phone and threw it. He then took a turn and disappeared. There are no cameras beyond too." And the call ended.

Taehyung rubbed his head. Why is his baby like this.. Scratch that he is always like that. Always taking everything for competition. He sighed and then got out of the house, towards the street mentioned before. He has to search for Jungkook before anything bad happens and do as he say. He looked at the sky. It was noon, almost sunset.


*that's for today. Stay safe*

 Stay safe**bye*

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