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Jungkook P.O.V

"FUCK!!!" I groaned as I grabbed my head tightly. I just woke up but everything around me was spinning, like fuck... I shouldn't have drank so much. I rested my head on my knees, waiting for it to clam down. After sometime the spinning was finally gone but the dizziness was still there. I slowly looked around where I was and surprised to see that it was my room. But how-

I looked at the nightstand and saw some pain killers and a glass of water with a small note attached to it. I looked around again, confused because it'd be a surprise if I was able to drive myself in my drunk self without getting in a accident. Imagine, "Former inspector involved in a car accident." OR. "Former Inspector getting drunk until he couldn't walk and hit a civilian." 

I laughed at myself as I took the medicine and the water. After I gulped down the medicine, I looked at the small note. It read, "You stared this Game, baby." I frowned as I read it. What game... I shrugged as I crumbled he piece of paper. Must be Noona messing with me. I thought as I got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. I reek of alcohol. 

After showering, I changed into a loose white shirt and sweatpants. I got out of my room and started to head downstairs. "Oh Kook, how are you feeling." I heard Bambam's voice as I walked down. I smiled as I looked at him. "I'm fine- What happened." I asked worriedly as I saw him wearing bandage around his wrist and the same goes for Yugyeom. "Oh this." Yugyeom chuckled as he lifted up his wrist. "This is nothing. We just got into some fight." I frowned but shrugged it off because it was true that they will fight with anybody without any reason.

"Oh! And where is Noona." I suddenly remembered as I started to head towards the kitchen. I'm gonna make myself some egg and toast.. "Oh.. Lisa... umm she had a bit more last night so she is home resting..." Yeogyum shouted from the living room as I started to search for the frying pan. I hummed but my inner mind was screaming with confusion. 'If it wasn't Noona then who-' "H-hey Jungkook.. umm we're going ho-home now... BYE." Suddenly Bambam screamed. Ya, he literally screamed and sounded so scared. 

"Ok..." I replied still confused. I wanted to see who or what they were so scared of but my tummy was yelling something else. I sighed as I set the pan on the stove and put a little amount of oil on it, keeping the heat low. I opened the fridge and took two eggs with a bowl and a spoon. I opened the upper cabinet and took out some bread. I put the bread into the toaster and then began to mix my eggs..

"It feels so calm and odd that I am making my breakfast myself." I mumbled as I pour the eggs in the pan. "I miss you Jiminie..." I faked sobbed as I flipped my egg. "You miss him but not me..." The pan nearly slipped out of my hands when I heard that deep voice near my ears. I calmed myself down and then looked who it was. "You nearly gave me a heart attack Taehyung." I frowned as I continued to cook my eggs.

He just stood behind me like that for sometime and it was getting uncomfortable. I sighed. "Um.. Tae-" Then suddenly my voice betrayed me when I felt his cold hands sliding inside my shirt. "Hmm.. you were saying something." He mumbled near my ear and slowly bit down in it. I shivered as his hands inside my shirt felt cold but his tongue was hot. I stood there, shut as his hands were sliding more up- *sniff* something was burning.

"OH SHIT." I yelled as I pushed Taehyung with all my might and looked at my eggs. They were burned. Front side was raw, backside was black. I put the pan in the sink and looked at the culprit of my burnt eggs. Taehyung was leaning on the table with the same smirk he always wear and was eating MY TOAST. "How dare you." I screamed as I lunched towards him. "First my eggs... now my toast. What do you fucking want." I yelled as I chased him around the kitchen.

He suddenly stopped, causing me to stumble against his back. "Wha-" "You really wanna know what I want." He said as he turned around. I crossed my arms and huffed as I nodded along with him. "Well.." He began as he started to walk towards me. "I want compensation for yesterday.." I frowned at his word. "What compensation.." I asked as I slowly backed away because he was coming way too closer.

"It looks like you've forget what happened yesterday, hmm." His face looked disappointed but his eyes told something else. Something sinister was swimming in it. "Wha-what happened yesterday." I gulped as I looked around because I could feel the counter wall behind me meaning I had no where to run. "First tell me how much you remember.." I knew it, now I was pinned against the counter.

"Um.." I went as I tried my best to remember something, anything that happened yesterday. "I remember the bartender. His name was something similar to yours.. Tae-.. Ya, Taemin." I said proudly as I looked at him only to see anger in his face. Did I say something wrong. Suddenly he smiled. "I guess Hoseok hasn't told you anything about our mafia rules. So let me tell you the first rule of our mafia,


*that's for today. Stay safe*

 Stay safe**bye*

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