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Little Rapunzel


November 1st of 2010
Milan, Italy

Inside a large room, a little girl sits by her windowsill bed, watching as other kids around her age plays by the massive field of their backyard.

She always dreamed of playing outside with other kids, or perhaps get out of her room at the least. All she have, if not her brothers, is their maids to play with her. But she knows, that once she broke just a single rule from her Grandfather, a severe punishment shall be served. That's what she learned from a very specific day; when she tried to break the lock of her door from the inside. And as a punishment, she spent her days consisted of five alone in the basement; a very dark place when night time comes, nothing to eat other than a single bread and water for the whole day, and had to distract herself all by her own from different scary things her elders had threw in it. And on that day onwards, she kept herself a promise to, 'Non tentare mai più di infrangere nessuna regola.'
Translation: 'Never attempt to break any rules again.'

As a kid, she's always aware of the fact that she's different from the rest of the group, yet she don't why.

She sometimes find her situation odd.

She practically grew up inside her room without having a chance to see the actual world. She never have a memory of celebrating a birthday with her father and the rest of her family (except with her aunts, grandmas, and brothers who will celebrate with her secretly) just like other kids do, or atleast have dinner with them. Whenever she eats, she does it on her own mini dining area inside her room, with two of their helpers standing patiently by her sides and wait for her to finish. And the fact that she never met any of her uncles and cousins, she just sits on her windowsill bed, hugs her tiny legs, rest her chin on her knees, and stare blankly at nothingness outside her window, every single time she thinks about it.

Even simply going to school she never experienced it. All she have is her aunts and grandmas, and sometimes her older brothers, who loves and always willing to teach her. Not that she's complaining about it, but she would love to experience going to school everyday and meet new friends.

Despite the oddness of her situation, she somehow found peace in it. She would read the books her brothers had sneaked to her when she gets bored, chirp and sing with the birds outside her window, or write all her thoughts on her little diary (that her grandma Caterina gave her on her 8th birthday before she died) instead of whining over nonsense and wasting all her precious time.

But of course, as much as she finds peace in it, as a little kid, you couldn't help but to wonder, "Perché non posso uscire dalla mia stanza? C'è qualcosa di sbagliato in me? Sono pericoloso?"
Translation: "Why can't I leave my room? Is there something wrong with me? Am I dangerous?"

But just like in every typical superhero films, there's always a superhero to save the dull day. And that's when her brothers would come barge into her room to cheer her up; tell her and make her feel how much they love her, play with her, and bring snacks as they watch their favorite films on her small television.

Liqueenia smiled when the kid scored another points for his group after successfully making a goal in their little game of football. Her smile even widened when she hears her door slamming open, an indication that her brothers have bursted inside her room to play with her.

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