Operation 'hide a devil' complete.

Unfortunately for the unexpected visitor, the angel was rather frustrated that their little moment was interrupted.

"Angel Kim." Ri Jeong Hyeok greeted, barely hiding the slight annoyance in his voice.

"Angel Ri! You're alone? I thought I heard voices." Angel Kim peeked around his friend's broad shoulders curiously.

Crossing his arms tiredly, Ri Jeong Hyeok took a deep breath and tried to keep himself from checking on Seri. "I'm alone. Is there a reason why you're here?"

"I need to borrow a tie for the AAA. Mine went missing after I got drunk on nectar last year." Angel Kim shrugged, easily manoeuvring his way past Angel Ri to get to his wardrobe.

It would appear Angel Kim was a little too at home in Angel Ri's room which wouldn't have been a problem if not for the fact that the wardrobe was off-limits for his friend today.

"No!" Ri Jeong Hyeok shouted before Angel Kim could open the door. "I mean...I don't know where mine went either."

His poor coverup had Angel Kim narrowing his eyes in suspicion at him but thankfully, he stepped away from the wardrobe and left it as it was.

Angel Ri was being rather odd today. In all the time that Angel Kim has interacted with him, the angel has never been this expressive before.

Besides, what could he be hiding in his wardrobe that would warrant such a protective reaction from him?

Judging from how Angel Ri had moved to stand between him and the wardrobe, Angel Kim knew that it would be wise not to pursue this further.

In the wardrobe, Seri let out a small sigh of relief when the angel walked away from where she was.

That was a close call.

She didn't think Ri Jeong Hyeok's friend would be that understanding if he saw a devil hiding in his wardrobe.

During the time it took for Ri Jeong Hyeok to get Angel Kim out of his room, Seri started studying the clothes hanging off the racks in the wardrobe she was in. She scoffed at the ridiculous amount of white that he owned although it truly wasn't surprising, considering white was the only colour he ever wore around her.

That and he did say that he didn't own any other colour.

"Angels." Seri rolled her eyes but nevertheless smiled when she snuggled into the familiar scent wafting off his clothes.

Ri Jeong Hyeok's scent truly wasn't the most masculine by any standards, but it was refreshing, warm and comfortable. To Seri, it held just the right touch of primitive maleness. It was unlike those commercial perfumes that were overpowering to the nostrils. It was unique to the angel and one that was the most homely to the devil.

Seri loved that.

So enthralled by the mix of scents in the wardrobe, Seri easily caved to the promise of sweet darkness. Exhaustion quickly took over and Seri fell into the blissful spiral of darkness, surrounded by home.

"Alright, I'll get going then." Angel Kim's voice sounded from outside the wardrobe.

Bidding his friend a silent goodbye, Ri Jeong Hyeok only expelled the breath he was holding when he was sure that Angel Kim was gone. The angel practically ran to the wardrobe after that, slightly apologetic that Angel Kim had overstayed his welcome.

Much to the angel's amusement, Yoon Seri was fast asleep when he opened the door. Propped against one of his suits, the angel couldn't help but smile as he admired the devil's sleeping visage.

It was amazing how at peace and childlike Seri looked when she was asleep. If only he knew how that peace was because of his presence, perhaps Ri Jeong Hyeok would have smiled even more fondly. But for now, the angel was simply humbled by the devil's peaceful surrender to the darkness.

Squatting in front of Seri, Ri Jeong Hyeok naturally reached over to run his finger through her chocolate brown locks gently. He only froze when Seri let out a small groan before she shifted again in her sleep.

Quietly and as gently as possible, Ri Jeong Hyeok finally reached under her and lifted her up into his arms. As though they fit naturally like a puzzle, the devil instinctively nuzzled her head lightly against his chest and Ri Jeong Hyeok felt his heart skip a beat at her silent show of affection.

The angel was particularly tender with the sleeping devil as he laid her down on his cloud, careful not to disturb her slumber as he drew the blankets over her tiny frame.

And then he simply sat there, right by her head, watching her as she slept, seeking peace from the devil of his life who radiated more life than anyone he knew. Momentarily, he remembered her soulful gaze before Angel Kim's interruption and how he was magnetized by her presence.

There was no denying that Ri Jeong Hyeok was drawn to Yoon Seri.

She was like a book that you could never put down, a book that was so exciting and relatable that you simply wished to read on.

Yoon Seri was a book that keeps on giving and because of that, Ri Jeong Hyeok refused to let her go.

Ri Jeong Hyeok admired every inch of Seri's face, cataloguing every beautiful curve of her features and committing them to memory.

"Gorgeous." The angel thought to himself when Seri sighed lightly in her sleep.

The gentle puff of breath rolled from her lips delicately, drawing the angel to her naturally tinted lips that were held in a pout as she slumbered on.

Like a moth drawn to a flame, Ri Jeong Hyeok found himself leaning in closer to her captivating lips, completely enchanted by everything that was unique to Yoon Seri. So close was he to her that he was sure he could count every strand of her graceful eyelashes and smell the intoxicating mix of his scent with her toasted strawberry ones.

Those full, sensual lips of the devil only continued to taunt him, silently coaxing him to come closer if he dared. Already, he was barely clinging to the last shred of self-control as he closed his eyes and breathed in her heavenly scent.

Ri Jeong Hyeok wasn't a saint, but as far as such experiences go, he was as clueless as one could get. Yet, that didn't stop him from moving closer to the devil since once Seri enchanted someone, it was a spell that was impossible to break.

That quickening, low thumps of his heart hammering against his chest sent a new wave of flustered heat to the angel's face until their lips were a mere inch away from each other. They were this close, and instead of fearing that possibility, a part of Ri Jeong Hyeok had already embraced it.


He didn't wish to disrespect her. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the angel recognised that it wasn't nice to kiss Seri without her permission. Even though he craved her almost sinfully, he couldn't bring himself to do that.

Snapped out of his trance, Ri Jeong Hyeok quickly moved away from Seri, effectively maintaining a safe distance from her before he could lose himself again.

Yes, this was the right thing to do. For now, he would be content with having Seri by his side.

Nothing much happened that night, but one thing did change. Ri Jeong Hyeok finally embraced his love for Seri completely and irrevocably.

If you ask how a devil and an angel could possibly fall in love, this is just the start of that journey.

These were exciting times ahead indeed. 

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