Hyuga: "The inter-High preliminaries start as a tournament. If we lose, we're out. We can't let our guard down for a single game. Tokyo has blocks A through D. The winner of each block goes on to play in the championship league. The top three teams from the championship league participate in the Inter-High. Only three schools are chosen out of 300 participating schools. Only the chosen 1% will stand on the court of their dreams. That's the Inter-High."

Kaga-chin: "I sort of get the picture, but you're wrong about one thing. They're not chosen. They win it... sir."

Hyuga: "We've got three weeks until the Inter-High preliminaries. We fell one step short last year, but we'll definitely go this year. We'll be facing a lot of strong schools, but our biggest and strongest opponent is Shutoku High. Last year, they were in the nation's top eight. On top of that, just like Kaijou, they had one of the Generation of Miracles join their team. If we can't beat them. We won't make it to the nationals. If we play against the Generation of Miracles, it'll be the championship game."

Kaga-chin: "Kuroko, you know who he is, don't you?"

Kuro-chin: "I doubt you would believe me even if I told you. However, as Kise-kun said, the other four are on another level. If they've gotten even better I cannot imagine how good they are."

Hyuga: "Before we can play Shutoku we have to play our first game! Let's make sure we're on the ball!"

All: "Yeah!"

Unknown: "By the way, where's the coach?"

Hyuga: "She went to observe our first opponent's practice game."

Coach: "I'm back." Speak of the devil.

Hyuga: "Speak of the devil."

RFY2: "She was skipping after the Kaijou game, but she's not skipping today."

RFY: "Coach, are you gonna skip today?"

Coach: "Like hell I will!"

Hyuga: "Idiots. She wouldn't act like an idiot over an official game. But you do seem unhappy. Are they good?"

Coach: "We shouldn't be worrying about Shutoku when our first match isn't looking good."

Hyuga: "What do you mean?"

Coach: "One of their players might give us trouble. You can watch the video later. Take a look at this picture."

Hyuga: "Th-This is..." It was a cute cat. "It's cute, but..."

Coach: "Sorry, it's the next one." Captain moves to the next image and of course it's a tall black guy. "His name's Papa Mbaye Siki. Two meters tall, weighs 87 kilograms. He's a foreign student from Senegal."

Hyuga: "Senegal? He's huge. Two meters?"

Koganei: "Can they do this?"

Izuki: "He's studying abroad? Sorry but where's Senegal?"

Kaga-chin: "He's just big."

"I wouldn't be to worried about someone who we only know is tall."

Hyuga: "This Papa Mbaye... what was it?"

Unknown: "Papanpa?"

Koganei: "It's Papa Try-Hard."

Izuki: "Papa... Papaya Ito."

Coach: "We're not getting anywhere. Kuroko-kun, give him a nickname."

Kuro-chin: "How about "Dad," then?"

Koganei: "Where's your naming sense?"

Izuki: "Dad. Dad's company is a dud." Everyone began laughing at Kuro-chin's horrible names.

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