Hyuga: "Are you okay, Kuroko?"

Kuro-chin: "I feel lightheaded." Hyuga lightly grabbed his face.

Coach: "Grab a first-aid kit!"

Kagami: "Are you okay?"

Kuroko: "I'm fine. The game is just getting started." Kuro-chin began to fall as I quickly moved and caught him against me.

Hyuga: "Kuroko!" I gently carried Kuro-chin to the sideline where coach patched him up, all of us gather around her. "What are we gonna do?"

Coach: "Kuroko-kun can't play anymore. We'll have to make do with the members we have left. Did you figure him out yet Murasakibara-kun?"

"Yeah. I'm ready. That block was the last push I needed."

RFY2: "Isn't this gonna be tough without Kuroko?"

"No, not while I'm on the court."

Coach: "The second years will be our offensive core. It's only the second quarter, but we can't let them get too far ahead of us. I know it's early, but it's game time, Hyuga-kun."

Hyuga: "Yeah."

Coach: "Kise-kun will just copy you, so don't play offense, Kagami-kun. You and Murasakibara will focus on defending. You two do everything you can to stop Kise-kun from scoring."

Kagami: "Are you sure that will work?"

Hyuga: "It'll be fine. Have some faith."

"Let me be the first line of defense for Kisecchi. Kagami play help defense if I need it." He hesitantly nodded. I cracked my fingers as the ref blew his whistle. 34-39... let's go. I glance at the unconscious Kuro-chin before hardening my stare towards Kisecchi. 'Game time.' I set a screen for Captain as he was free to pass to and take the wide open three. I quickly ran back on defense as the ball swished in the net. I stood in front of Kisecchi, staring right into his eyes. His legs locked up as I quickly used that chance to steal the ball and rush forward. The other's were to stunned to do anything so I thought I'd show off a little. I jumped and tucked my knees as I moved the ball beneath my legs before jamming it in. I moved a stray strand of hair from my face as I looked over at the shocked players behind me. "Come on now. That can't be all you've got." I jogged back over as my teammates looked at me.

Izuki: "What's with the pressure around you?"

"It's something that comes to me. You all play better and they play worse. So get ready. They're coming." Kisecchi made his way down the court as I stood directly in front of him.


48-52 Kaijou was still up but Kisecchi wasn't scoring nearly as much as he was before. He was barley scoring since I came in the game. We stood in front of each other as his slightly scared eyes stared into my calm yet intimidating gaze. He began to drive before spinning and going to dunk. I jumped up and managed to get my hand on the ball.

"No!" I blocked his dunk, the ball flying into Kagami's hands who immediately passed to Izuki who went on the fast break with Hyuga-senpai who made a three not long after.


68-74 fourth quarter. Kisecchi was gradually getting used to my pressure as he was able to score on me more and more. I was breathing heavily as I jogged back on defense after Hyuga-senpai scored. I saw Kuro-chin standing and talking with Coach on the sideline.

'So he's up.' The ref blew the whistle and Izuki was waved out as they put Kuro-chin in. He walked up to Kagami and I. It was quiet for a moment.

Kagami: "Let's go."

"You two handle offense. I'll handle defense. Doing both is making me lose effectiveness." Kagami sighed before smacking the back of my head.

Kagami: "Could've told us that sooner. Worse than Kuroko I swear." I chuckled to myself as the four handled offense while I handled defense. The duo of Kagami and Kuro-chin was deadly as we quickly closed the gap. 80-82, 5:17 on the clock. We can do this. Hyuga-senpai nailed a midrange shot, tying us up for the first time in forever. Kisecchi rushed towards me at the revelation of us being tied. He was faster than before and quickly got passed me. I ran after and jumped. I had a hand on the ball, but he slammed the ball in over me. I landed flat on my back as I felt the air leave my lungs. I began coughing as I stood.

'Damnit that hurt.' I looked at Kisecchi who's eyes held a gold glint to them.

Kisecchi: "I won't lose. Not to anyone. Not even Kurokocchi."

Hyuga: "This isn't good. Give it your all, everyone! This'll be just like the first quarter from here on out. A back and forth run and gun game!" I ran as the fast break started. Kuro-chin saw me running but didn't react. As he was passed the ball he quickly passed it to me as cut in. I jumped forward, passing the net, I then swung my arm back and jammed the ball in the hoop. I had too much momentum however and when I landed I rolled forward before hopping back to my feet and running on defense. The players were shocked by my dunk, but got over it relatively quickly.

'I've got to keep the momentum to counter Kisecchi's momentum.' The run and gun was hectic. Point after point came and went like that. 98-98 with 20 seconds left. It was do or die right here. I stood at the ready as Kisecchi neared me with the ball. I closed my eyes for a moment before glaring into Kisecchi's eyes. He passed the ball to Kasamatsu who went to take the shot, only to be blocked by Kagami. Hyuga-senpai caught the rebound before launching it to Kagami who only had Kisecchi to beat. Kagami passed to Kuro-chin who then tossed the ball into the air. Kagami grabbed the alley-oop pass but Kisecchi went to intercept. Kagami then slammed down the buzzer beater half a second before the whistle went off. 100-98 Seirin victory.

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