30. Last blow

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   Alice and I run back to go where everyone is in the lab. They're observing the pods landing just outside the shield from the window. 

   "It's too late," Vision grunts as he tries to get up from the table. "You have to destroy it now."

   "Vision, get your ass back on the table," Natasha lets out in a non-playful manner. 

   "Wanda," Steve looks to her. "As soon as the stone is out, you blow it to pieces. Got it?" She nods and they all leave to join the battle. The Chitauri swarm just outside the boundary. They desperately try to fight their way through. 

   I notice Alice begin to walk away and I grab her arm without thinking. She furrows her brows. "Fight well out there," I say. She swallows hard and nods her head before leaving. 

   I decide to stay up here with Wanda in case they try and disrupt the removal process. I quickly look around for Ryanne, but she's no where to be found. She must have gone out with the rest of them. Worry takes over my face, and I rush to the window to spot her. And there she was. In the suit Iron Man had made out for her and her sword in her hand ready to fight amongst the Avengers. She's got this, I try to convince myself. 

   I turn back to the robot on the table. "How much longer?"

   "I am not even close to half way done. Please do not speak with me unless there is an alien in my lab. It will only waste time which we clearly do not have."

   I let out a grunt of frustration and walk back to the window. They removed the shield. Why would they remove the only thing stopping them? Suddenly, both sides go charging against each other and attack. I start picking the skin from my lips caused by my anxiety. Where is Thor when you need him?

   A screech is heard from the other side of the lab and I turn around to see a Chitauri run towards Shuri. I blast them with my magic, and soon, more come charging through the doors. I conjure up daggers and stab each one I come into contact with. A loud thud comes from outside and I run to the window to see what it was. Thanos. 

   "He's here," I tell the girl. 

   "I need more time."

   "I can stall him. I'll hand over the tesseract. It won't mean anything if he doesn't get the mind stone."

   "Thank you," Wanda says. 

   I breathe in deeply than exhale before teleporting onto the field. 

   "Thanos," I yell. 

   He turns in my direction. "Loki. I shall cut off your head as you did mine?" he says with much rage. 

   "Spare me my head for the tesseract," I let out. I make it appear in my hand and walk closer. 

   "This must be another one of your illusions."

   "No, this is the real deal all right. Take it or leave it." 

   He takes it from my hand and crushes the cube leaving nothing but the space stone in his palm. He hovers it over his gauntlet, and it attaches like a magnet. Once attached, the power starts coursing through his veins. 

   After that's over he looks down at me and picks me up by my neck with his large hands. I kick my legs in the air to try and escape from his grasp. He closes up the airway in my throat not allowing me to breathe. 

    Alice lets out a scream of rage as she slices the back of his ankle with her sharp blade. He instantly opens his hand, releasing me, and dropping me to the ground. My breathing is heavy from almost being choked to death. It slowly begins to go back to normal. 

   The window of the lab breaks, and Wanda is seen carrying Vision out. 

   Thanos turns to Alice and decides to not hurt her. "It won't matter anyways," he smiles weakly. His fist closes and with that, he vanishes from in front of us. 

   "Loki, are you okay?" 

   I nod my head but turn around to where Wanda landed between the line of trees. He's there. I don't know if the stone was removed, but I have to go to where the witch is. "Grab my hand," I tell her. Alice grabs my hand and I teleport us to her exact location. 

   I look around and spot Vision on his knees. Wanda looks at everyone attempting to stop Thanos and then back at Vision who's begging for her to do what needs to be done. I run up to him and conjure up multiple illusions of myself holding different weapons. He clenches his fist and simply turns them all into bubbles leaving me open all for him to swing his arm at me and send me flying.  

  I flip my hair out of my face and she finally begins to charge her power at the stone. All while doing that, she's holding Thanos back with her magic. With an explosion blast, a last blow would you say, the stone was destroyed. She did it. I smile in relief. She actually did it. 

   Wanda is left sobbing on the ground after having to kill the one she loved. Thanos looks at her and tries to empathize with her. "Today is no time to mourn," he says as she's crying. He lifts his hand and turns it to the side, reversing what she did, with the time stone. The explosion of power comes back and goes back to the restored mind stone. 

   Wanda looks up from her lap to see him once again. "No," she screams and attempts to stop him but he sends her flying. He picks up the android just as he did me and strips him of the stone brutally. He tosses him aside once he's retracted the stone and places it on his glove He yells from all the pain and power that all six stones are giving him. 

   "It's over," I tell myself. 

   Just then, in the open field, Thor appears from the Bifrost along with Iron Man, Strange, and a Spider Man. The god of thunder charges at Thanos and hits him hard with his hammer. "I told you you would die for that."

   Thanos lets out a moan. "You should've gone for the head," he weakly raises his hand and snaps his fingers. 

   Thor looks confused. "What did you do?" he yells. Thanos clenches his fist once again and disappears. 

   Wait, what happened? I look at Wanda who is besides Vision and she disappears to dust. My eyes widen. 

  "Loki," Alice calls out for me. I turn and run towards her. She drops to the ground and I catch her head to lay her down gently. "What's happening?" I don't say a word, and before I knew it, she slipped through my fingers. I slowly look up to see everyone start to lose their loved ones. The king of Wakanda was one of those victims. 

   All of the sudden, the realization hits me. Ryanne.

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