28. Reunions

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Loki's POV   

   I fly this ship as quickly as I can to retrieve the tesseract, and I can't believe I'm saying this, to have someone on to destroy it. If you would have told me a couple weeks ago when I was with my ladies that I'd soon be ordered to find a rebel which would then soon lead to facing The Mad Titan not once, but twice, I wouldn't believe you. 

   We arrive to the small city, and I follow Ryanne who is running to where she has the tesseract hidden. She begins to enter a wooded area. 

   "Where are we going?"

   "Not far long," she says. 

   She suddenly stops in her tracks and looks around to become familiar. She walks a little to the right then drops to her knees. Under a pile of leaves is a shovel that she picks up. She walks to the other side of the tree and starts digging. 

   "You hid an infinity stone in a pile of dirt?" my eyes are wide. 

   "I didn't know how to use it to get to a certain location. I was in a rush with the guards after me on Asgard that I panicked, and this is the exact spot where I landed." 

   I nod my head and wait for her to finish digging. The shovel comes in contact with an object and she smiles. She digs a little more then picks up the tesseract in her hands. A smile takes over my face and I approach it. This is the reason why I even left Asgard. I lick my lips as I place it in my hands. So light. I take a gulp and look at Ryanne. I reach my hand out for her to grab and she takes it nervously. 

   I teleport us straight to the Avergers tower. We startle everyone in the room. 

   "God dammit, Loki," curses Fury. It makes me smirk. 

   "Loki?" a familiar voice says amongst the people. I turn my face to where the sound is coming from and once I detect it, my jaw drops. 

   "Alice?" I let out with a stunned expression. I observe her new look quickly and take it in. She has war paint and bruises on her face, and she's in more padded armor. Her hair is up with multiple braids tied to it. I let go of Ryanne's hand and walk towards Alice's direction. "What are you doing here?" I smile and go in for a hug. We stay like that for a moment before I back away. 

   "You know how I like to watch the news. They were covering a story on the Avengers compound being blow up by the aliens. I was eating lunch here with Dean," she turns her head to a man sitting by her enjoying his food. He smiles and waves his hand. I don't change my reaction. "And let me tell you, I choked on my water. I thought you might have needed some help since you know last time I was such a bad ass."

   "You were badly injured," I laugh recalling past memories. 

   "Yea well I'm never one to run from a challenge."

   "You look... different?"

   "A lot has happened since you last saw me."

   "Well I can't wait to hear all about it," I smile. I really am hoping to catch up with a friend. I too have things I need to tell her. 

   "Are we done you two?" Fury interrupts. "Geez, couldn't have picked a more perfect time for a reunion. Hand the tesseract over," he gestures towards an open case waiting for me to put it in. 

   "Where's your person," I furrow my brows hesitating to give it over just yet. 

   He sighs. "I don't really have the best way to contact her. All I have is this pager from the 90s from when I last saw her. Let's hope she'll make it in time."

   "Let's hope?" I say confused. "We're handing it over all for hope?" This is ridiculous. I turn to see Vision injured besides Wanda. "Why don't we destroy the mind stone?" I let out. 

   "Excuse me," Wanda gets up all offended. 

   "She could destroy the stone right here right now and it will all be over," I say to Fury. 

   "No," she shakes her head. "Destroying the mind stone would be destroying Vision. I can't."

   "We're talking millions, billions of lives here Wanda." I look to Thor's red white and blue friend hoping he would help reason with her. 

   He sighs. "Is there anyway we could remove the stone from his head without messing with his program?"

   The Widow shakes her head. "Tony and Bruce are the ones who made him, and neither of them are here. God only knows where Bruce is," she bites her lip. 

   "I think I know a place that could help," Alice speaks up. "Wakanda. Apparently their technology is over the charts, and the people of Africa are just now knowing about it since they decided to finally open up their borders and share with the world."

   "Wakanda is where T'Challa's from," Natasha turns to Steve. 

   He swallows hard before speaking. "I guess we're going to Wakanda."

   I can't believe suggesting to destroy the mind stone worked. I look at the case on the ground and decide to place the tesseract in it. 

   "I think you should keep it with you," Fury says. I'm confused. "I trust that you won't give it over no matter what, considering what happened last time and how you were after it," he raises his brows. I let out a chuckle and take a gulp. I guess he's right. I pick it back up and with the wave of my hands the cube disappears from my grasps. 

   Everyone boards up in jets to take off. 

   "Any word from Tony?" Steve asks Fury before the doors shut. The man just shakes his head and Steve sighs. 

   "Good luck," Fury looks to each one of us on board. The team nods their head, and up we go. 

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