24. Morning

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Loki's POV   

   I wake up in the middle of the night hearing something. I lay there to listen to the sound again. It's coming from Ryanne. She's whimpering in her sleep. What do I do about it? I try to go back to sleep. It's probably nothing. 

   Later, she shoots up and yells. I immediately run to her side to see what's wrong. She's sweating everywhere. 

   "Were you having a nightmare?"

   "I don't know what it is. Loki," she says with a low voice. "I see it," she looks scared. "I've been seeing it ever since Wanda gave me that dream. 

   "She should have kept her bloody paws to herself. When I get my hands on her I'll-"

   "I asked her to do it," she sounds tired. I nod my head. I make water appear and hand it to her. She thanks me and drinks from the glass. When she's done with it she places it on the night stand and tries to get comfortable on the bed again. This is my sign to go back to the couch. After a minute she speaks. "Loki, you can come sleep on the bed if you want."

   I hesitate to answer her. "I'm good. Thank you for offering."

   "Please," she pauses. "I want you to."

   I turn my head to face her and swallow hard. I pull the blanket off of me and walk towards the bed. She scoots over to make room. As soon as I'm in she lays her head on my chest and I hold in my breath. I look around feeling a bit uncomfortable about this. "Do you want to talk about your dream?" I break the silence. 

   "No, not now. I'm tired," she adjusts herself on me. Okay then. She stops moving so I'm assuming she fell asleep. A smile creeps up on me before I close my eyes to get some rest for the next couple of hours. 


   The light from the window wakes me up and I squint my eyes just looking at it. I notice Ryanne not in bed. Where did she go? I get up to look for her and hear someone in the bathroom. The door is halfway open and I see a reflection of her in the shower from the mirror. I immediately look away and my heart starts beating fast. Slowly I return my gaze on the mirror and admire her figure. 

   Her hair is always up so I never knew how long it was. It reaches the middle of her back just when her waist begins to curve in. She turns around to let the water rinse out the shampoo and her breasts come into view. They're so even and perfect. Too perfect. 

   When all the shampoo's out she reaches to turn off the shower. It immediately snaps me out and I rush to go sit on the bed. She comes out in just a towel. 

   "Good morning," she says. 

   "Y-yea, g-good morning," I stutter. She smirks. She flips her hair to tie it in a bun causing her to splash water on me. 

   "You should go shower. The makeup crew is coming in any moment."

   I shake my head "Yea." I get up and head towards the bathroom. I hear the towel drop on the floor and its taking everything in me to not turn around. I enter the bathroom and shut the door. I hear a buzzing sound and so I look around to see where it's coming from. By Ryanne's clothes on the sink there's a mic. I bring it closer to my ear to hear Tony's voice. 

   "Ryanne, hello. Pick up," he repeats himself. 

   "This is Loki."

   He gasps. "Geez, took you long enough. Give the mic to Red Hots."

   I sigh and shake my head before I open the door to hand her the little ear piece. By how close I'm standing, I could still hear what he has to say.

   "Don't you take this mic off."

   "Relax Tony. I was taking a shower. What's up?"

   "Why don't I get a mic?" I furrow my brows. 

   "Did the makeup crew come yet?" he ignores me which makes me roll my eyes. 

   "No," she answers. "Do you want to tell us what to do exactly?"

   "Amateurs," he says under his breath. "Find out which room he's staying in and search it. You could whisper 2 little words in his ear, 'Hail Hydra,' and see how he reacts but no that's too risky."

   "Okay, I think we got it."

   "I'll check back on you in 3 hours."

   "Got it. Bye now," she puts the mic on the night stand. Just then we hear knocks on the door. I look through the little peep whole to see a man standing in the hall with bags. 

   "It's them," I say and open the door before retreating to the bathroom. 


   As soon as I finish washing myself, I dry my hair with a towel. The first thing I see when I leave the bathroom is Ryanne looking completely different. He placed a shoulder length blonde wig on her head, and gave her blue contacts. Ross couldn't possibly be able to recognize her. 

   "Loki, it's your turn," she says. 

   "Oh no," I laugh. I look at the man who changed her appearance and take shape as him. "This is much more simpler."

   "Hey, you can't look like me," he lets out.

   "'Hey, you can't look like me,'" I attempt to imitate his American accent. He lets out a huff. 

   "Impersonating someone is illegal."

   "'Impersonating someone is illegal,'" I continue. He gives me a look and I let out a sigh. "Fine, you can change my look. Don't over do it."

   He puts all my hair in a bald cap and goes with a light brown Midgaurdian hairstyle wig. He hands me a set of reading glasses without any prescription and calls it a look. I glance at myself in the mirror and smile, turning my face from side to side. I make an outfit appear of what I had envisioned in my head to go with everything. A sharp navy blue suit with a tie. I turn to see the crowds reaction. The stylist blushes causing me to smirk. I wink at him then bite my lip. Ryanne just nods her head and holds back a smile. 

   "Aren't we the perfect due. Aria and Reece," Ryanne walks up to lock arms with me. 

   "Yes, what an interesting couple you are," the man says. 

   "Interesting? What do you mean by that?" I squint my eyes. 

   "Oh nothing," he laughs. "Oh well, I better get going," he zips his bag and smiles before walking out. 

   I turn to the stranger holding my arm. "I need some food. First we eat, and then we run around the hotel like children."

   "Sounds like a plan."

A/N: Loki as Tom Hiddleston if you didn't notice ;)

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