011 ;; the bloodbath

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She rubbed her arms up and down to ease shudders she every so often let out, bringing her knees closer to her chest as she sat beside Ali, occasionally glancing his way every now and again. The girl let out a small, frustrated huff as she purses her lips and scans the room. She was greeted with the sight of 101 and his gang huddled together as they not-so-discreetly looked over at her group, whispering to each other like they were plotting something.

Sang-woo must've caught onto it as well, since he had spoke up about it. "We can't fall asleep tonight," he says. "Anything can happen after the lights go out," he nods his head in the direction of 101's group. "Those guys are definitely up to no good. If anyone gets attacked, we have to stick together and fight."

He made eye contact with [Name]. "You should stay next to Ali," he then patted the mentioned male's shoulders, "but come to our side if anything happens."

Ali nodded, instantly in favor of the plan. "All right."

[Name] tilted her head to the side slightly before nodding slowly, biting back her tongue from spitting out something in retort of the obvious jab from him that she seemingly can't take care of herself. She refrained from doing so, since she was frightened at the fact she could possibly die once the lights shut off.

It wasn't like she couldn't stay on her own two feet. It was more than likely going to be a.. you're seen alone, you're dead type of ordeal and she obviously didn't want to risk it. Seeing that the guards didn't give 101 any type of consequence for murdering the other man had already put it into perspective for her and the others.

Blood will be shed tonight.

Paranoia seeped through every crevice and crease of her body, sending chills down her spine and goosebumps up her arms. Almost as if she was having premonitions of some inevitable, ill-fate that was bound to occur. She swallowed down her anxious feelings and tried to focus her attention elsewhere, listening in as Gi-hun wakes up and tells 001 to stay awake.

"You can't go to sleep even after the lights go out, okay?"

Number 001 stared at him blankly. "Why not?"

"Things will be a little dangerous tonight," Gi-hun responds. "Keep your eyes open. We'll come here if anything happens."

"Okay," 001 slowly nods to indicate his understanding, "all right."

[Name] watched the murdered and his gang intensely, drifting her gaze over to where they were glancing at- Pickpocket, who was minding her own business and sitting on her bed, staying in her own little world away from everyone. It seemed as if they were planning on doing something to her, which worried [Name].

She got to her feet and began to make her way over to Pickpocket's bed, not aware of the inquisitive and bewildered stares she received from the three men she left behind. Pickpocket seemed to notice her presence and glanced up at the approaching girl, giving her a blank expression.

"Hey," [Name] greeted, sitting at the edge of her bed, "I don't know if you noticed, but Number 101 and his bunch have been scoping you out.."

"I noticed."

"Ah," [Name] pursed her lips in habit, averting her gaze to her lap. "You know, you're more than welcome to join our group... An alliance? You should join."

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