Chapter 21: Don't play with firearms, kids-Larisa

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Chapter 21: Don't play with firearms, kids.

Larisa P.O.V.

"I want answers," Johannes said. My heart was beating in my throat. 

I put the pointy coat hanger down and motioned towards the baby blue couches in the corner. We walked towards them and sat down opposite each other.  He held the silver gun loosely over his lap. 

"What is your name?" Johannes asked me still speaking Afrikaans.

"Larisa Fourie," I answered, trying to put emotion into my words. I had to win him over, I had to win this game.

"Get my father's name out of your mouth! Your real name?" He bellowed, lifting his shiny weapon towards me.

"It is Larisa, my name is Larisa!" I said, forcing tears to my eyes.

"Your full name?" Johannes pressed harshly.

"I don't know my full name," I said, morbidly, cradling the tears in my eyes.

”Why are you here?” he asked in an icy voice.

"To get my memories back and make sense of everything," I said, depressed. I didn't meet his eyes, I just stared at the gun grasped in his hand. I let a single teardrop hit the ground.

"Who sent you?" He asked angrily.

"Who sent me? Wha-" I started, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Was any of it real, Larisa?" He asked, his voice taking an emotional turn. "Did you ever care for me? Or was it all part of the act?" He spat the last word. There was a brief silence before I answered,

"I- I don't know. I can't remember anything," I said.

"Hmf, as if I  can trust anything you say," Johannes said and got up. At first, I was relieved, thinking he was leaving. Then he crossed the little space between us. He crouched down to where I sat on the baby blue couch, his knees were touching my knee caps. He held the loaded gun under my chin with one hand and put his other hand around my throat. 

There was a rage burning in his eyes, "Who are you?"

I thought about my answer for a while, "I don't know, yet. Not that you'll believe anything I say. I mean, it's not like you can trust me," I said narrowing my eyes, practically daring him to shoot me. All the previous parade I had going was gone now. It was just Larisa, stone-cold Larisa who says stupid things like 'Shoot me.'

"There she is," Johannes said with a maniac smile on his lips. "There's the bitch who betrayed me." He let go of my neck and lowered his gun. He still stood crouched in front of me, staring at me with crazed eyes and perfect teeth. 

"My turn," I said, coldly. "What's with the grey hair? It really doesn't work for you." I was lying, the white-grey hair complimented his milky-coffee skin perfectly, like cream and coffee. But, I was curious as to why everyone had grey hair and why they were called Greys. 

Johannes huffed and said, "You don't get a turn." He lightly threw the gun in his hand. He then frowned slightly and said,"You used to love my grey hair. It seems you weren't lying, you did lose your memories." His eyes looked hungry after the new conclusion.

"What an observation, Einstein. What gave you that crazy idea?" I said trying not to roll my eyes. 

"Now, now," Johannes purred. "Remember who holds the power." He passed the gun from his left hand to his right, his eyes never leaving mine. The large room was quiet for a moment before I interrupted the silence.

"What do you want from me? You now know I don't have anything inside my head. So, really, I am no use to you?"

"Oh, Larisa, sweetheart, there is priceless information inside that pretty little head of yours." Johannes put his index finger to my right temple, I resisted the urge to pull away. "We just need to find  a way to open that head and get the information." 

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