Chapter 10: Hit and run -Larisa

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Chapter 10: Hit and run

Larisa P.O.V.

The creatures attacking us weren't very smart. They outnumbered us three to one but kept attacking us in turns, not that I was complaining.

I loved fighting, it was the only time in my short consciousness that made me feel in control. Fighting made sense to me, unlike many other aspects of my life.

After the creatures Percy called Harpies were reduced to a strange dust, Percy and I started walking. I asked him numerous questions about the strange creatures, he told me he would explain later. I was dissatisfied with the answer but was planning on keeping him to his word of telling me later.

We were heading back to Central London, to poke around for any clues about my past life. We were going to visit the City Hall, my kindergarten, and the hospital. On the way to these places, I got to know Percy better. I found myself liking him more and more and enjoying his company. We joked and planned for the days ahead, not that we had much information to plan with. I felt bad for stabbing him now, the wound got infected and is affecting his walking. He has some sort of superfood that seems to make it better though.

We went to the City Hall first and found everything in order there. Then we went to my old kindergarten class, the teacher was delighted to see me. Just before we entered the hospital, Percy handed me his Yankees cap. He was always so possessive over that thing, but I've never seen him wear it.

"Put it on," he said and I reluctantly did so. At first, nothing felt different, then I looked down and gave a small cry of surprise.

"What the hell is this thing? Explain," I demanded and yanked the cap off.

"It's an invisibility cap. I'll explain everything later, remember?" He said reminding me of his earlier promise. "Seeing as we are going into the place where your 'dad' works, you should probably put it on." I put the cap back on. "Hold onto my shoulder while I walk so I know where you are. I'll open all the doors and do all the talking. You can steer me into the direction you want to go," he continued.

"Seems reasonable," I said. He started walking and I took ahold of his shoulder, not hard enough to form wrinkles on the material for others to see. We entered the hospital. Our first stop was the records room. We stopped at the direction board at the entrance of the hospital and then headed in the direction of the records room. We made it all the way there without any problems. At the door to the room, Percy snapped his fingers for some odd reason and fed the guard a lie about a rat infestation in the room that Percy was supposed to take care of.

Once we were in the room, Percy said, "Hurry, the mortal might come to his senses soon and call the police, I don't need "detained for breaking into a hospital record room" on my record too." Why did he say "the mortal"? I bit my questions down and started looking for my file in the, "B" section, for Brassard, my fake surname.

I found the file, to my disappointment my birth certificate, vaccine certificates from various ages and other medical documents were all there.

On our way back my mind was roaming, I wasn't paying attention to the people around me. All of a sudden a big man who was walking very quickly crashed into me. I lost my grip on Percy and fell to the ground, the Yankees cap went flying. I heard Percy swear and others gasp in surprise. I was dizzy, when I looked up again I saw Doctor Marvin Brassard staring down at me in surprise. Percy seemingly understood what was going on, grabbed me and started running.

I must've hit my head pretty hard, the world was turning black.

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