Chapter 17: Good Hope My Ass- Percy

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Chapter 17: Good Hope My Ass

Percy P.O.V.

I wish I could read minds. That would uncomplicate most situations I've found myself in, including this one. 

Why does the name "Larisa Fourie" trigger the guards like that? Where are these psychos taking us and why? Who or what are "the Greys"? Will any of this lead me to Annabeth? Larisa seemed to have all the answers to my questions, if only I could ask her.

After the men and women in the armed vehicle realised that they had Larisa Fourie in their car an uneasy commotion started. They changed direction from East to West. I heard something about going to the Castle of Good Hope. The name sounded pretty ridiculous to me, giving the current circumstances.

The car ride was torture. My ADHD was bouncing off the walls of my brain. I tried asking "How long 'till we're there" a couple of times, like a small child. The only answers I got were "Long enough for you to shut your mouth" or a grunt or just no reply at all. I tried to silently communicate with Larisa. She was too busy staring the guards down to notice. So my thoughts wandered off to last night. Last night my little sister was born. I still can't believe that I now have a little munchkin who I'll have to share the blue cookies with. I don't even know what the date of Estelle's birth is, the fact saddened me slightly. I hope I get to meet her one day. But, I hope even more that Estelle will have the pleasure of knowing Annabeth one day.

At some point, the driver switched with one of the other guards and what felt like after another eternity the vehicle came to a slow and then a stop. I heard a gruff voice from the blocked off driver's seat. I then heard the opening of a heavy gate and the vehicle drove on. Once the vehicle came to a final stop the guards loosened our restraints and replaced them with handcuffs.

I noticed how they were extra careful and gentle with Larisa like they might get in trouble otherwise. With me, they were rough and harsh. There were always two guns trained on both Larisa and me. These guys weren't taking any chances.

They dragged us out of the vehicle. The first thing I noticed was the moist air, identical to my dream about Annabeth. We were in the right place. 

I could easily drown every single person here with all this moisture in the air, take Annabeth and Larisa and make a run for it. I looked at Larisa. Her face was still steely, not betraying a single emotion. We should bide our time, find Annabeth first and then kick-ass.

We were in a compound, or rather a castle of some sort. The Castle of Good Hope I assumed. There was a high stone wall surrounding what I could see of the castle. I felt a moat on the outer wall to my left. Good, more water, I thought.

I was facing the entrance to the enormous mustard yellow castle. It wasn't built like the posh castles in France or England. Those were built as oversized living quarters for blue blood. This castle, more of a fort, was different, it was built for war. The high stone walls surrounding the castle, the canons on the wall, the small windows, all of these factors pointed at "safety first". The water running along some of the outer walls gave me the idea that this entire compound was the shape of a pentagon, a very strategic shape for a castle. I couldn't help but think that  Annabeth would love to analyse this place's architecture, the place she was being held captive in.

Before I could continue marvelling at the compound for Annabeth, a guard harshly grabbed my arm and pulled me to the entrance. I noticed that Larisa was walking without an escort dragging her arm. The guards were probably too afraid to touch her, I still didn't completely understand why, though. Once we walked inside, the warm atmosphere from outside disappeared. It was freezing inside the castle. 

What I assumed were servants and guards were lined up at the entrance of the door. They all had  straight grey hair despite their young features, just like the guards training guns on us. We walked down a long red carpet in a long corridor with lots of doors until the corridor opened into a room twice the size of my mom's entire apartment back in New York. In the room, there were twice as many guards and servants lining the walls. Two intricate expensive-looking thrones were in the middle of the room and had a woman and a man sitting on them. Next to the woman and the man sat approximately six or seven other people dressed in Victorian fashion. 

I recognised one of the silver-haired people almost immediately. I was burning with a rage I hadn't felt in a long time. Some of the people were holding cups of tea or glasses of Scotch. The liquids started to shake with my anger. Larisa shot me a quick look of warning and I tried to calm down. The shake reduced to a slight quiver. The prince. It was him, from my dream about Annabeth. He was the one keeping her captive. I glared daggers at him. The prince noticed me staring. He gave me an uncomfortable, but still harsh glance and then whispered something to a lady sitting next to him. She giggled. Then the prince's eyes went back to the spot they were staring at before. I followed his eyes, he was staring longingly at Larisa. In fact, the entire room was staring at her. 

"Hey, Sis," a cold voice said in disgust.

I know this chap is super long overdue, but oh well. Sorry :)

The Castle of Good Hope is an actual place (see picture above). The interior of it was change completely in this story, but the exterior will stay kind of the same.

Which do you prefer, Larisa or Percy P.O.V.s?

Enjoy breathing, if that's something you do?
-LadyLlama13 <3

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