Meredith smiled as she turned to look at her husband. "Thank you," she whispered, leaning up to press her lips against his.

"You're welcome," Derek breathed against her lips. "And there will be a more private, less PG rated celebration later tonight."

"Hmm," Meredith giggled, running her hands through his hair. "Can't wait. It will be amazing."

"Good," Derek sighed. "Now let's go hand the girls off to our family and enjoy your birthday."

"She is much more social," Emma smiled down at Melanie. "And very talkative. That's a new development."

"They're starting to babble," Meredith sighed. "And they remember the family now, so they're not as scared to leave us."

"Meredith!" Kathleen called as she walked over to them. "Hi Becky," she giggled as her niece reached for her, squirming in Derek's arms. "Wow, you're getting so big. I can't believe this is my tiny niece."

"Well, it's official," Derek laughed, wrapping his arms around Meredith. "Our daughters officially love their aunts and grandma more than us. We can give them away now, they don't need us anymore."

Meredith giggled as she wrapped her arms around him as well. "At least we can feel like adults," she sighed.

"Food?" Derek asked.

"Definitely," Meredith nodded. "Um...feel free to pass them around," she said to Emma and Kathleen.

"As long as we get them back," Derek laughed.

"Don't worry, you'll get them back as soon as there's a dirty diaper," Kathleen nodded.

"Thanks Kath," Derek rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you did it to me," Kathleen smiled, looking down at Becky. "Come on sweetie, let's go play with your cousin Meg."

Meredith smiled as Derek led her to the table where the food was set up, breathing in deeply. "Real food," she breathed.

"Real food?" Derek asked, turning to her in amusement. "What do I cook for you?"

"Well...that's food, but I get sick of spaghetti," she shrugged. "It's the only thing I cook when you're at work."

Derek laughed as he handed her a plate with a cheeseburger on it. "Well, you can feel free to eat as much real food as you want," he laughed.

"Meredith!" Caitlin cried, hurrying over to her and Derek. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks," Meredith smiled, handing Derek her plate to hug her sister in law tightly. "It's been too long since I've seen you."

"Well, it's about time you actually left the house," Caitlin smiled. "You look fantastic! Have you lost all your baby weight?"

"Most of it," Meredith nodded. "Although I don't think my boobs will ever be the same, but Derek doesn't seem to mind too much."

"Okay, things a little sister doesn't need to know," Caitlin grimaced.

"Sorry," Meredith smiled.

"Hey, I want you two to meet my new boyfriend," Caitlin said, eyeing Derek carefully. "Don't do anything stupid, Derbear."

"When have I ever done anything stupid?" Derek frowned.

"Just behave," Caitlin said. "I'll be right back."

Meredith smiled as she turned back to Derek. "You know, she's your only single sister now," she said.

"I know," Derek sighed.

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