Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Gotcha. Okay. I'll get ahold of her soon then and see if she has it scheduled", Steve promised.

"I definitely want to paint before the baby is born", Bre said. "Their little lungs are so delicate. I don't care if the paint says it's non-toxic, I still wouldn't expose a baby to it. Though, how much will the baby even be here anyway?", Bre asked. "Have you thought about visitation rights?"

"I figured I would stop by and help out as I could after the baby was born. I'm not sure when I would be comfortable takin' the baby on my own. I know nothing".

"I can help, and it is half your child", Bre said. "I want you to think about this some more and see what Paige is thinking. Also, find out if she intends to breast feed, or bottle feed breastmilk, or do formula. Because if she wants to start with only breast, then no, we can't take the baby anywhere. If she wants to pump her milk into bottles, or use formula, we can take them overnight. So, you've got a lot to discuss. Can you maybe take her for lunch over a weekend or something?"

"I need to talk to her about the twenty week appointment, milk, and visitation. Got it. I'll see when she's available. Do ya want to come with?  I don't think she's allowed to see me alone so I'm sure Brad will come".

"That's so ridiculous", Bre snapped. "She's not allowed?  Are you kidding?  I don't think this should be a four person discussion. At least not initially. You two see what you think and don't make a commitment right then. Just see what the other is thinking. Then she can talk to Brad, you can talk to me, and we will go from there".

"I don't know, hun. I don't see Brad trustin' me alone with her".

"Fine. Talk to her over the phone then. Preferably when he's not hanging over her shoulder". Bre sounded annoyed, which didn't happen often.

"Alright, honey. I love you".

"Love you, Steve. Talk to you tomorrow".


Friday mid-morning I checked my phone and saw a message from Steve.

Can I set up a time to talk to just you?  Will Brad let me see you alone?  Otherwise phone is ok.

I had no idea what this was about.

I don't think he would be ok with me seeing you alone. I can call you.  When's a good time?

Steve replied pretty quickly so he must not have been at work yet.

Bre thinks it's best if you and I can talk first without Brad listening over your shoulder. So you tell me. I can take a break in the afternoon, otherwise I get done at 9p, or anytime over the weekend.

I thought for a moment. Bre was prompting whatever this discussion was.  I wasn't sure if that made me feel better or worse about what the topic might be.

I'm going shopping in the city with Kendra tomorrow and can call you after I leave the house but before I pick her up. Is 9am ok?

That's great. Thank you. He replied.

I needed to tell Kendra we were leaving at ten and tell Brad we were leaving at nine, and then I should have enough time to talk with Steve.

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