Chapter 11 : Wedding On The Cards

Start from the beginning

Sharanya nodded wordlessly, organizing the small dressing table. Putting back the body lotion and the small box of safety pins in the right place.

"You are missing aunty?"

Sharanya looked up at the mirror, meeting Gargi's gaze again, this time with a small smile. She nodded.

"She would have loved to see me in this," Sharanya said, fondly caressing her mother's saree.

Gargi smiled and kissed her forehead. "This is from her, okay. This is just the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your life Sharu."

"Gosh, don't scare me. You make me feel like those lead actress in a never ending TV soap preparing for her wedding."

"LOL, what's scary in that?" Gargi asked, working meticulously on her hairstyle.

"I don't know what's not scary, the idea of marriage and everything about it, it is all scary." Sharanya muttered giving word to her qualms about marriage. Marriage was like walking on a bridge made of pebbles on the surface of the ocean, with no support to hold on to. There was never a way to know which stone would sink, taking her down with it.

"You need to trust this process as you trust every new beginning. Go in it with your full heart and soul. Enjoy every moment. Treat yourself like a princess. There's no prince charming in life, Sharu, but you can make one by a being a princess." She rested her chin lightly on the side of her head and winked.

"Which Disney movie did you watch today morning?" Sharanya asked with a teasing grin.

Gargi rolled her eyes, straightening up. "Why can't you just go with my flow at times? Anyway, your hair is all fixed. Don't fidget. And please, don't sit out there like you're dumb, literally."

"Any more instructions, boss?" Sharanya muttered, getting up from the stool, running her hand along the pleats of the vibrant material.

"Nope. By the way, any allergic reactions on the patch test?" Gargi inquired curiously.

"No, I even forgot about it." Sharanya answered, glancing at her reflection on the mirror to recheck if her waist was decently covered.

"What about you?" Sharanya asked.

"Same. The skin is so smooth! Let's go for the first session day after tomorrow evening?"

"Hmm, what about Saturday instead ?"

Gargi gave her a thoughtful look. "No, I am busy. Friday."

"Fine," Sharanya said, walking to the door.

* * *

The moment Nikhil had laid eyes on Sharanya, he couldn't look away or blink. She looked different, in a good way. She carried the saree with utmost grace. His breath hitched, as she gazed up at him hesitantly and her lips pulled into a bashful smile and muttered a 'hi'.

It took all the effort in the world to acknowledge her greeting with a nod and look away to greet other people in the room. He was glad that her father and others began with greeting his mother. He got a few seconds to force out a greeting from his dry mouth.

He felt embarrassed. He had never been so stupefied looking at a woman before. He prayed that none took note of it. His cheeks and neck felt warm. He was scared to even look at her again. The things happening around him were a little fuzzy. He tried his best to focus on the conversation between his mother and her father. They were talking about traffic jam due to sudden rain.

Sharanya was back in the awkward zone, the one that she always got into when he was around. The brief gaze they exchanged could define the word awkward. She wondered why she felt so shy, it wasn't her nature. She wondered if it had to do with the setting or the way he looked at her.

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