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Namjoo didn't really confirm, but she had covered his hand and shared the bed with him that night.

His mom was up first the following morning. If she knew he hadn't slept in his room the previous night she didn't say when she saw him walk into the kitchen. Her tall boots were placed parallel by the door that morning, meaning she'd gone to check on the chickens, and just returned.

Making no comment Sehun strode right over to make himself coffee.

"Is she still asleep?" his mother asked, head inside the fridge.

"She's not used to being up this early." Sehun told. Didn't need to look at the clock displaying 5:30AM on the stove.

"Are you usually up this early?" she inquired shutting the fridge door, a bundle of greens in her arms and a package of eggs in her hands.

"I just happen to be."

"She seems a nice girl." Setting the ingredients on the island she swiveled to grab a bowl as the coffee machine hummed.

"I'm going to marry her." Sehun announced. Didn't turn to confirm his mom was looking at him, see if she was wide-eyed or near tears. "I'm going to relocate to Jeju. Will you lend me money?"

Striding right over she put her arms around him. Stroking the back of his head with one hand, the other around him.

Placing her head on his shoulder, her voice trembled joyously, "Yes, yes. Anything my son."


"What? Did something happen?" Namjoo whispered in a hushed voice after breakfast when his sniffing mother shooed them away from the kitchen. Her eyes had been red the entire breakfast Namjoo had feared speaking, sharing concern. Didn't want to push into Sehun's mother's problems, so she'd not offered any word. Strange, because the entire time Sehun had been calm as a bull.

Gripping her hand, Sehun dragged her toward the driveway.

"You're just going to leave your mother?" she called out incredulous.

"She's fine." Sehun muttered unlocking the rented car. Pulling her toward the open passenger door, he gestured with his head for her to get in.

Clicking her tongue, Namjoo stared at the beautiful home doubting Sehun the entire time. Getting into the car she waited.

"What are you doing?" She interrogated when he jumped behind the wheel.

Cunningly grinning, all he offered was, "I'm taking you to the pond."

As the engine revved, he rolled down the windows and drove down a straight winding road that ran for miles. They passed sparse hills fluttering with swaying tree branches tinted greener than they were by the flash of the sun. The heat poured through the windows sweeping past her face and then away.

After about five minutes, gravel crunched as Sehun pulled over to the side of tall green grass. Getting out she followed him through the maze of wild green recognizing the guzzle of water up ahead. There was no shade here so she was started to sweat under an open sky.

"You could have warned me," Namjoo muttered folding an arm up to block the sun from her eyes.

"You'll be cooler by the water." Sehun comforted.

Scowling she continued staying on his tail. True to this word there was a good breeze surrounding the giant blue pond, ripples sparkling beneath the light. Nothing but grass on the wayside. No sign warning of drowning or dangerous underwater species.

"Is it safe here?" Namjoo fearfully asked staying back in the grass.

"Just fish, but I don't think they've evolved to meat eating yet." Sehun informed.

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