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Four seasons seemed to have passed until D-day. The day before Sehun literally went through his entire wardrobe. Tossing and folding whatever junk into his suitcase. So excited for this trip with Namjoo he'd begged his supervisor to let him off, promising overtime in the coming month to make up for this.

The sky was clear as if blessing him. Finally, after three excruciating weeks he was seeing Namjoo again. He missed her so horribly, as if he had been on his death bed each day. Couldn't even get in touch with her, see her, touch her, smell her. Sehun wanted all of her to himself for three long days, and he hoped time went by awfully slow, expanding their time together.

Every cell was quivering with anticipation. Any second now and she was going to burst through those doors. Sehun was jittery it took all his strength to remain cool and poised against his car though he continuously checked his watch and his phone. Unlocking it he doublechecked he'd sent a message earlier. "Here" had successfully been sent five minutes ago. Read underneath the message bubble relayed Namjoo had seen it.

Cool down. Calm down. Sehun sucked in a deep breath. Jumping when the doors hissed open and heard the wheels of a suitcase. Trying to appear collected he waited hoping he came off handsome and smug; that in comparison she longed more for him than he her. Then at the last second, caved as she neared.

Hurling forward he pulled her into his arms. Taking a strong whiff of her hair, feel her solid body in his embrace, and know she was finally real. With him.

Sehun could breathe now. Hear his heart pumping. Feel the blood flowing through his veins. The quiver had dissipated. He was just alive now. Coolheaded...almost.

"I missed you. I missed you. I missed you."

Hugging him in return she settled her head on his broad shoulder contentedly. "I missed you, too."

Releasing her but just enough to peek into her face, he grinned, "I missed you more."

Sehun greedily kissed her. Pecking her four more times before Namjoo screeched and escaped.

Chuckling happily, he grabbed her suitcase. "Now that that's done, let's go."

Sweeping her eyes over the red SUV he'd rented, she nodded approvingly. "Nice choice."

"It's so we can lay in the back together." He wiggled his brows flirtatiously.

Making a face Namjoo climbed into the vehicle alongside him. He'd made sure everything was clean, cautiously verified everything technology was up to date before okaying the rent. The seats were clean. The leather still in top condition. The a/c and heat worked perfectly. The radio was deafeningly loud. Enough space for their luggage or if they wanted to lay together.

"I can't believe it's finally happening." Stretching over the gearshift he kissed her. "I missed you. It finally feels so good to see you again."

Grabbing her chin, he urged her forward to kiss her again. Smacking his nearly swollen lips he sat back into his seat.

Coyly eyeing her he clicked his tongue, "That still doesn't make up for three weeks."

"You're going to hold that against me forever?" Namjoo rolled her eyes and zipped the seatbelt on.

"I will. You just bet on it." Gunning the engine, he drove down the road.

"So, what were you up to these past few weeks?" Namjoo questioned.

"You first."

"Oh, come on. You know what I've been doing. We went over this before."

The corner of his lip inched up. He was merely having fun picking at her and loving every single minute of it. Sehun was so happy. Thrilled they could be together privately, away from the big city, from Chanyeol, anyone who might stand in their way.

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