It's Bitter

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Sehun sucked in a huff. For Namjoo's sake he put on an act. Stepping into view, Sehun pretentiously fine-tuned his voice to cheery, "Chanyeol?"

He witnessed the glimmer of surprise but gladness on his step-brother's face. "So, it's really you. We must've missed each other on the way. What a coincidence!"

The corner of his lips twitched. Sehun forcibly managed a to tweak a smile onto his mouth.

"If you were stopping by you should have told me. I could've saved on cab fare. I feel like the driver cheated me."

The nerve of this guy. Wealthy parents and shit and he still had to nitpick over someone poorer scamming him. Sehun couldn't stand it.

Yet he still sympathized, "That sucks. Those losers always get away with it."

"They should really fix the system," Chanyeol continued to complain in Namjoo's doorway. "But that's why it's better to have your own car. Oh, by the way, what'd you stop by for?"

Sehun's mouth opened, but Namjoo jumped in and Sehun thought she sounded rather panicked, "I was going to give him his clothes."

Dashing by she shoved past him then came back out of her room with the bag of his sweats and tee. Handing it off to him she veered back to her boyfriend giving the sorry excuse of, "We went shopping Saturday for some comfy wear. Since the hotel doesn't have a wash system, I offered to do it here."

"Don't be too much of a sweetheart, it makes me jealous." Chanyeol lightheartedly teased stroking Namjoo's hair. Sehun tried utterly hard not to let his expression constrict as Chanyeol leaned forward to give Namjoo a kiss.

A fucking kiss!

The inside of his chest welled with heinous jealousy. Sehun's nostrils flared, his grip tightened on the bag, and he prayed with all his might he wouldn't pummel Chanyeol.

"I'll call you later." Chanyeol's audacious eyes held a wink Sehun abhorred. At him, he said, "I'll drive you back to the hotel."

Sehun's feet weighed as he followed Chanyeol out, and on the way discreetly brushed his hand over Namjoo's. To remind her whose woman she now was. Think of me he hoped she heard his innermost thoughts.

Once the door closed and they left Namjoo's vicinity, Chanyeol asked, "So, how was your weekend? Freedom with my car must've been nice."

Oh yea, I went on a date with your girl whose now mine. I stayed at her place. We had sex. I cooked. And slept in her bed.

"I had a great time," Sehun chirped.

Chanyeol whacked him in the chest like a man would his bro. "Planning to head out? You're dressed quite sexily." The man gestured to his undone buttons.

God, was Chanyeol that dense? It was so freaking painful. If he didn't even have a quaint suspicion about what had been about to go down in Namjoo's home between them, Sehun must've been Earth's savior in his past life for Chanyeol to be such a blockhead.

"Of course, you know me." Sehun played smirking although his innards swelled with utmost regret. Dammit! Being in Namjoo's bed right now sounded like heaven. If only Chanyeol had not returned.

He was such a pain in the ass.

"Let's have a drink sometime this week." Chanyeol reminded as they drove on the road.

"I go back to work tomorrow." Sehun reminded, planning to make it his best excuse to avoid his brother as much as possible.

"I won't keep you past your bedtime." Chanyeol eased.

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