Sour & Sweet

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The noise became eerier the longer she let it go on. In the end, she slid her arms off him, but jolted forward when Sehun hooked his arms tighter around her, a last attempt to hold onto her. At last, he surrendered, letting go.

"What about me?" he puppy-eyed her.

Palming his face she gave him a swift peck, "I'll tell him."

His expression lit up. "You will?"

Uncertainty sizzled through her, but Namjoo forged on. No more dishonesty. She had to. For herself. For Chanyeol. If she wanted to be truthful about her real feelings for Sehun.

She should.

Wiping sweaty hands against her pants, she swept past the phone. Her heart palpitated on the way toward the door, where on the other side, the man who'd been sharing this 4-month long relationship with her waited.

Gulping hoping to swallow nerves, Namjoo reached for the knob. Seeing her, Chanyeol lowered his phone. He appeared fresh. Well dressed on a Sunday. Maybe on his way to church?

"I was worried for a bit." A small smile crossed his lips then his eyes dove over her shoulder. Namjoo half-swiveled to find Sehun making his appearance from around the corner in time to hear Chanyeol call, "Sehun. What are you doing here?"


Compressing her suddenly parched lips, Namjoo lowered her head. Didn't mean to, but she wanted to shrink away. Her eyes drove over the couch to the tv.

"I invited him over." Namjoo whirled to Chanyeol.

"Oh..." the boyfriend blinked at hearing the unexpected. Just as quick he kind of spit a laugh flustered. "You two have gotten this close already? Gosh, that makes me jealous."

His long legs strode into her kitchen. Namjoo had failed at trying. Trying to keep her scowl discreet she followed.

"You cooked?" Chanyeol observed the pan on the stove.

Rushing over, Namjoo grabbed a plate, asking, "Have you eaten?"

At the side Sehun's posture remained stiff. His expression was unreadable. She imagined he was not loving this.

"This is a rarity. The three of us enjoying a homemade meal together," Chanyeol guffawed. He pulled out a chair for Sehun, "Sit. You drink coffee, right?" At Namjoo, "Do you want a cup, hon?"

Namjoo mentally stood on the tip of her toes the entire time as Chanyeol made himself right at home, treating Sehun like a guest. As he went right to her coffee machine Namjoo peeked at Sehun, now sitting. His gaze swam to her, and Namjoo knew she should keep her word.

The coffee machine hummed to life jarring the courage in her. Sucking a breath, Namjoo pivoted Chanyeol's direction. ""

The boyfriend glanced at her expectant. Namjoo's voice thinned and nothing came. She was too overly conscious about Sehun watching her interact with Chanyeol. Also, the pressure to come clean was frying her nerves.

"I don't have bacon." She deploringly squeaked.

Chanyeol's eyes studiously searched her before chuckling. "That's not a big deal." Glancing over at his brother, "What about you, Sehun?"

He shrugged appearing bored. "It doesn't matter to me."

"See?" Chanyeol grinned. Handing her a mug, he assured, "I can finish the rest. Why don't you plate the food?"

Every last bit of energy in her shriveled to dust when she grabbed plates. Sehun glanced at her warily as she set the table. Tension was prevalent in his irises and Namjoo was every ounce of guilty.

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