"Yes there is Stiles I'm a wolf I can sense your emotions, and if your supernatural or not" Scott says.

"Hold up are you asking me if I'm a werewolf or something like that?" I ask.

"Are you sure you didn't get bit or anything like that?" He asks me.

"Yes I'm sure" I reply

"Okay well if there is anything strange that happens to you, let me know, cause your definitely not human anymore" Scott says.

"I will" I tell him.

He hangs up and i put my phone down.

I don't like lying to Scott but I don't want him or anyone else to know besides Alex and the other girls.

I checked the time and practice is in an hour, I get my bag ready and retie my stick, I grab my bag, my phone, and my keys, I drive to practice, halfway there I hear a car behind me rev up, I look and it's Alex, I laugh as she drives past me, she sped up and I do aswell.

When we get there she laughs at me.

"Your jeep will never beat my car" she says.

"Whatever" I say, I grab my bag and she does aswell.

We walk to the field and everyone gives us weird looks.

"First girl on the team, congrats" I say as i run away from her, she chases me.

"Alex?" Scott asks as he stops me.

"Hey" she says as she catches her breath.

"Alright everyone, as you can see we have a girl joining our team, her name is Alexandra" the coach says.

I laugh as everyone stares at Alex.

She waves her hand.

"Okay well, start with the basics, Scott your goalie, everyone else your gonna throw balls" coach says.

Me and Alex get in the middle of the line, of course nobody got a ball past Scott.

"Alright Stilinski your next" my eyes widen, he finally called me by my real last name and not Bilinski.

I laugh, I run and throw the ball, Scott goes to catch it but it curves and hits the net.

I laugh and throw my hands in the air.

"Nice job Stiles" Alex says to me.

I look back at Scott and he's already staring at me extremely confused.

"Ummm okay then, your up next Winchester" coach says.

I hear Alex laugh, she runs up and throws the ball, it also goes past Scott.

"Woah" I hear coach say quietly.

"You two come here" coach says.

Me and Alex follow him to the other side of the field.

"How did you two do that?" Coach asks us.

"Look over there" he says as he points to Scott, Scott catches all of the other players balls

"And your the only two who got a ball passed him" coach says.

"I dont know, I guess were just good" Alex says, coach laughs at her.

"Keep it up and you could make the first line" coach says as he hits our helmets with his hand.

We follow him back to the field and he switched Alex for goalkeeper.

Everyone throws the ball at Alex, she catches all of them, then the last one, Scott.

Scott runs up and throws it, Alex eyes widened, she swings the stick and catches the ball.

"I knew it was a good idea adding you to the team" coach says excitingly.

My eyes widen as I look up, Scott was running towards me at full speed, I start to run away from him.

"Scott what the hell?!" I yell.

"Woah boys, calm down" Alex says as she blocks Scott from attacking me.

"Scott what the hell was that?!" Alex whispered angrily.

"Your faster too" Scott says as he squints his eyes.

"What?" I ask trying to catch my breath.

"Stiles you okay?" Alex asks me.

I hold my chest and look at her.

"Wha.....ye...yeah I...I think" I try to catch my breath, this isn't a panic attack.

"Leave Scott" Alex says, Scott runs back to the other players.

We go back to the team and we continue to practice, I keep an eye on Scott, why would he do that?, Why would he chase me?.

Once practice is over I grab my stuff and so does Alex, we walk back to our cars but coach stops us.

"Hey what happened with McCall and you guys?" He asks.

"Oh, we were just playing around" we tell him.

"Oh okay" coach says, he leaves and we continue to walk back to our cars but someone pulls us into the woods.

"Scott seriously this isn't funny" I say getting up off the ground.

I look over and see Scott knocked out on the ground.

"Alex was that you?" I ask her.

She shakes her head slowly, she points further into the woods and I see two women.

In between them is an extremely large wolf.

"Alex, who are they?" I ask worried.

"I'm pretty sure that's the group of witches that want to kill us, and apparently they have a wolf on their team" Alex says.

Alex raises her hand behind her head, her hand glows and she puts her hand back down.

"I was supposed to be in her coven but not now" Alex says.

The witch falls to her knees, the other girl and the wolf do aswell.

"What's wrong with them?" I ask.

"I removed the infinite mark which removed my power from her coven, so now they're weaker" Alex says.

"Scott wake up!" Alex yells.

Scott groans and wakes up, he stares at me and Alex.

"What?...." He looks at the group of witches and growls.

"Who ar..."

"The coven" I say.

"Oh" Scott says.

"Igneous" Alex says, she throws her hands forward and a fire ball erupts from them, it goes towards the coven but one of the girls block it.

"Run" Alex says, Scott grabs me and we run to my jeep.

"Wanna explain to me what you are now?, It would be helpful" Scott says

"I'm not a supernatural stop asking me" I yell.

I look back and see Alex wave her hand and run away from the forest.

We all make it back to our cars, me and Scott drive away from the school, Alex cuts in front of us and waves her hand across my car, I feel the jeep getting smaller, suddenly we're in a similar car as Alex's.

Alex drives next to us.

"Don't worry I'll bring your jeep back, but just deal with a mustang for now, it's faster, and Scott we need your pack to help fight the coven" Alex says.

"Okay well I'm not doing that until Stiles here explains what he is" Scott says as he looks at me.

"Dude I already told you I'm not supernatural" I tell him.

"He isn't a supernatural" Alex says, Scott looks at her confused.

"You can't feel anything different about him?" He asks.

"No!" Alex says, Scott just nods.

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