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I wake up in my bed while breathing rapidly, I look over and Ivy is asleep.

I get up and walk to Stiles room, he's also gone, I go to the bathroom and then hear yelling

I run over and find Malia and Stiles together.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"The guards found me with the pills, and then they gave me a sedative" Stiles says as he catches his breath.

"How did they find you?" I ask.

"I was trying to get in the basement, that's where me and you were locked up, except you saw chains and locks connected to us which caused me to be locked up aswell" he tells me.

"Well why didn't you just say something?" Malia says.

We walk to the basement and I kick in the door with an energy blast, she gives me a confused look.

"I'll explain later" I say, she nods and we head down.

I close the door.

"Woah, your right Stiles" I say.

"What are these full of?" I hear Malia say as she grabs a box.

"You don't know what this place used to be do you?" I ask her.

"Basically a place where they used sick ways to torture people" she says, I nod.

We look through the boxes for about an hour.

I see Stiles holding Malia's hands.

"Ooooh" I teased.

"Sorry, I'm just constantly cold" she says.

I start a tiny fire near the wall.

"Don't worry it won't burn the wall" I say.

Stiles and Malia go over to the fire.

I laugh.

I see an S on the wall, I walk over to it and feel it, I knock on the wall and it echoes.

"What the?"

I grab a pipe that was under a larger pipe and knock into the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stiles asks.

I peel back the dry wall and see a dead body wrapped up.

I noticed a sword leaning against it.

As I went to grab it I hear a taser, I then turn around quickly and see Stiles and Malia on the floor holding their stomachs about to pass out.

"Your turn" I hear the man say, he turns around, its Oliver, Stiles crazy roommate.

"Your gonna need a lot more than that to knock me out" I say.

"Oh I know, that's why he gave me these" Oliver says as he pulls out angel cuffs from his pocket.

"Shit" I mumble, I throw a ball of energy at him but he dodges it, he pulls out a long taser and tases me.

I scream in pain, he then puts the angel cuffs on me.

"Now you get to see what they used to do to people that came here".

I see him pick up an unconscious Stiles and lay him in a chair.

He then picks up Malia and puts her in a wheelchair.

He takes restraints and ties Malia and Stiles to their seats.

"Let them go!"I scream.

He just laughs.

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