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After about an hour of driving we made it to the Argent's house.

"Now Ivy, get changed and you as well Malia, Stiles grab some of Deans clothes and we're gonna hang out here until tomorrow, then we explain to the pack what's going on" I say, everyone agrees.

Stiles leaves the room after I tell him where to go, Ivy looks through my stuff and changes into a red sweater and ripped jeans

Malia goes through the closet as well and pulls out a metallic t-shirt and black jeans.

Stiles comes back in a grey hoodie and jeans.

I laugh.

"This doesn't fit" he says as he flails his arms around.

"Oh hush you big baby" I say.

He laughs and rolls his eyes.

I go through my closet and pick out a red t-shirt, white ripped jeans, and a black jean jacket.

I get changed and sit on the bed, I tap Stiles forehead and a wave of supernatural energy goes through me.

"Yep, you got powers" I tell him, a smile widens on his face.

"Not to be rude or anything but what are those on your arms?" Malia asks as she pints to my scars.

"Self harm scars, I can heal them but I want to keep them as a reminder that I survived my struggle" I say, she smiles.

We all discuss more about each other and it turns out we have a lot alike.

Suddenly the door bust open and Dean is standing in the doorway holding a gun.

"Alex?, You weren't supposed to come back for two more days" Dean says.

"About that..."

I explain everything to him.

"Wait, let me get this straight, you're  something called a werecyote, you're a werewolf, he's got telekinesis powers, and Lucid is now on our team?" Dean asks,I laugh and nod.

"I need a drink" Dean says.

He walks off but comes back and stares at Stiles.

"Are those my clothes?" He asks.

I nod trying to hold in my laughter.

Dean starts to laugh loudly causing me to laugh aswell.

"Shut up" Stiles mumbles.

I check the time on the clock and its 6:30.

"Okay well Stiles, you and me are gonna have to go to school together and just be careful cause the pack might not trust you" I tell him, he nods.

"Malia, Ivy, you need to find anchors to help you turn, Ivy, since you've been through more full moons and have more control, teach that to Malia until me and Stiles get back" they nod.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a granola bar, I throw Stiles one and he catches it.

I eat the bar and chug a water.

I check my watch and its 7:00.

"Alright let's go" I say.

I grab my keys and drive to the school, we get there at 7:10, it's still closed until 7:30.

"Wanna go practice lacrosse or something?" Stiles asks me.

I nod and we go to the field.

I throw him the balls and he catches them, he then jokingly throws me a ball and surprisingly I catch it.

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