Chapter 17

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~Alex's POV~

I noticed the look in Jack's eyes, I know he knows what I did, he was staring at my wrist.

"Alex, what were you doing with a box of razor blades, let alone holding one over your wrist" Jack asked, though I know he could tell what I did.

"Please don't tell anyone, Jack I'm begging you" I plead, this makes Jack's eyes fill with sadness.

"Why would you even want to hurt yourself?, Why would you cause harm to yourself like that Alex?" Jack asked, of course he didn't get it, he was part angel.

"I..cause I..." I was at a loss for words, I couldn't explain why, I just felt like I deserve it.

"Why?!" The sudden raise in his voice makes me flinch, he hates you like everyone else.

Just run.


So I did, what the voices demanded, it's starting to become a habit, listening to the voices.

I quickly ran out of the bathroom, I heard Jack yelling my name behind me but I ignored him, I just needed to run.

I run past the boys in the library.

"Alex?, Alex?!, Alex what's wrong?!" I ignored Dean's yelling and continued to run up the stairs and out the bunker door.

I ran, and ran, and ran, I ran until my legs gave out under me and I fell to the ground, I looked at my surroundings and noticed I ran all the way to town.

I get up and my head starts to ring, I drop to the ground in pain and see a group of people appear across the street from me, the ringing stops and as soon as it does I feel a warm liquid drip down my neck.

"There she is" a man says as they point at me, I quickly get to my feet and start to run back in the other direction despite the aching in my legs.

I run until I see headlights of what looked to be the Impala.

I would rather be lectured right now then kidnapped again but suddenly someone grabs my hands.

"Let me go!" I scream, I feel tears begin to fall down my face, the memories of the sirens flash through my head.

"Sorry but we need to figure out how to kill you first" I hear a women say.

"ALEX?!" Jack yells, he starts to run towards me but suddenly I'm in a bright white room.

"Where am i?!, What the hell do you want?!" I yell I can feel chains on my wrists.

"We want the stone" I hear a man say.

"What stone?!, Your fucking crazy!" Alex says.

"Don't act stupid, the stone, the one that keeps you alive, the one that can make heaven great again" another angel says.

"Well stop at nothing to get it"

"Please, please don't hurt me..." I beg.

~Third person~

Jack stands there as the Impala pulls up to him.

"What the hell just happened?!, Who took her?!" Dean yells.

"Angels, they were angels" Jack says.

"Why the hell would angels take my sister?!" Dean yelled.

"They must've found out about that stone thing Cas mentioned, how it's inside of Alex" Sam says, his eyes full of hate.

"We need to make a plan to get her back, we can't let them get there hands on the stone" Cas said

"Can you shut up about the stone and start worrying about our sister?!, She could die if they do something bad to her" Dean says.

"We'll have to go to heaven to get her" Jack said.

"They'll probably have extra angels guarding the gate" Cas says

"They're just angels and Jack can easily kill them if needed" Dean says.

"Okay, well then we'll do it tomorrow, that means tonight we all need to get sleep, even you babe" Cas says, he looks at dean knowing he would probably worry all night.

"Fine" Dean says.

They all head back to the bunker and go to bed.

~with Alex~

Alex screams in pain while getting stabbed with a archangel blade.

"I don't think we can kill her with any type of angel blade" a woman says.

"Well keep trying, maybe she will bleed out and we can pull the stone out of her heart" a man says.

Alex looks at the one door of the room, the only exit and entrance.

Alex: Scar I need you, please help me.

Alex screams in pain as she gets stabbed again.

"Hey how about I heal her then start the torcher again, make her feel miserable before we kill her" a woman says.

"Go ahead" a man says.

Suddenly Alex is healed which gives her an opportunity to use her so called powers.

Alex starts to glow red and the female angel backs up, she holds the angel blade in her hand and gets ready to fight.

Alex avoids the woman's attacks, her top priority was to get to the door and somehow find an exit from this place.

Suddently she feels more angels grab her and hold her down.

Alex struggles for a while but the other angels already have cuffs on her which reduce her power.

"Nice try but we are smarter than you" says a male who is holding her down.

"Scar!!!???" Alex screams hoping for her to walk through the door, but nothing happens.

The angels tie Alex back up and start to carve into her again but slower than before.

Alex: Help me!, Castiel?!, Please!!, Scar!? Cas?!


Hey it's the author, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was another one that I almost had to completely rewrite but oh well, whatever makes the book better.

Do you think Jack told the other boys about what Alex was doing to herself?

Maybe not....

We'll see.

Anyways I love y'all, bye 💞

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