Chapter 12

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I've been waiting for George to come downstairs so we can go... Our flight is in an hour and we need to go, atleast we don't have to worry about it taking off without us, because it won't... its his private plane. But i still would like to be on time. As he comes down we walk out and hop in the truck and head out, with the horses already loaded and following behind us. I'm taking Night and Snowflake with me for the grand prix dressage and Maddox and Olympus my dutch warmblood stallions that gramps gave me a few years back with me for jumping along with a few other newbie horses that i bred a few years ago, to advertise them. Along with George's four horses that he's competing with. Business has been booming. George and i been married for 3 years and been together for 6 years now, he's four years older than me meaning he's 30 he's a great rider and a great instructor, but is such a shit husband... my mom asked him to train Daniel in dressage and i train him in jumping. I gave Daniel two of my best horses that i bred and trained myself a year ago so he's been creating a name for himself. Skylar has been doing rodeos going where ever the circuit takes him, my mom allowed, saying aslong as he does his school work he can go off and enjoy the road... Dad's been missing him, he was always his favorite. Apart from me and Daisy. Daisy wants to become a vet and is helping out at the local animal hospital and the local shelter too. She asks dad to help her out with raising some funds and he normally helps her, they plan the fundraisers and mom helps too with getting the kids from the riding school to help with decorations and setting up the indoor arena. Thanks to them, the shelter has less than half the amount of animals. mom gets her clients from her private practice and riding school to help towards donations and adoptions, thanks to her theres about 8 dogs and 6 cats on the farm minus the cattle dogs mom and dad has bought each brother of myne except Jack, Daisy's twin he didn't want a dog. He wants to become a business man and run his own business so dad said the day he's ready they can discuss his plans for a business. So in the end theres 16 dogs on the ranch. With four goats and two geese 59 chickens for eggs. Theres rabbits and so much more, its like a petting zoo over there...

The last two twins goes where the wind takes them... still rounding up cattle for dad, goofing around, loves to go camping by the lake with their fishing rods just enjoying their true cowboy life with Ben, Becka's son thats a year younger than them. But i think they will be Heartbreakers when they older don't get me wrong all my siblings are gorgeous and handsome but those two are just more gorgeous. they are my favorite... they're still young, but they cook their own food on the fire down by the lake, mom doesn't know about this... otherwise she will have a fit, but dad showed them how after they begged him to showed them. they catch their fish and fry them on the fire. And still raide the pantry at home for some food then they will go back and make food for them. Dad build them a small three bedroom cottage down there so now they practically live there doing their own thing till mom comes and drags them back home to do their schoolwork threatening them to send them to public school if they don't do their homework. She's thinking about sending them to public school due to the fact that they're so difficult now imagine how they will be when they reach puberty or when they reach high school. so they go home in the mornings and do their school work then stock some food in their bags from the pantry, Saddles up their horses and heads off... Dad trained their horses to come when whistled so the boys let them roam free between the cattle and in the morning they whistle. Mom says that sometimes it feels like they're disowning her... but i tell her its not that... its just a them thing, they been like this since they were toddlers, they've been doing their own thing. They do kiss her cheek and tell her that they love her and she's putty in their hands again. Mom and aunt Becka goes down there once a week to see if the boys have enough food, toiletries, snacks and other stuff and to make sure they keep the place clean. the boys bring their laundry daily to be washed and take it back with them when they go back again. They have a little garage, with their own quad bikes in it they use it sometimes when they help dad round the cattle up... dad wanted to buy them each a ranch but they begged him for this place and his now building the facilities they want. the one wants to be a horse rancher, training broncs, cutting, bulldogging and roping horses and the other want to breed and train rodeo bucking bulls. They want to open a rideo ground on the place so cattle goats and sheep is needed dad has his hands full with building that for them.

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