Chapter 10

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His eyes grow big and he jumps up and run towards the stairs and comes back shortly, he walks out the door and comes back helps me up and we head to the truck, i'm taking you to my hospital where i can watch over you and the boys myself... on the way he phones the hospital when we arrive they were waiting for us in front of the hospital they take me to the delivery room.

The next morning the whole family came pilling in the room my mom grabs a baby and his mom grabs the other one. we decided to call them Skyler and Daniel. we talked a little before Bryan chased everyone out and took the boys with them giving me some time to sleep. he seems fine even though he had less sleep than me. a few hours later he walks in giving me the boys to breastfeed he walks out the door and came back moments later with two cups of coffee's for us. Bryan you gave me time too sleep now it your turn go sleep... he shakes his head no, telling me he's fine right here, he's not leaving my side till we are home... the next day the doctor clears us to go home and Bryan packs our stuff he brings the twin pram and we head out... On our way home he fiddles with his hands around the steering wheel. What is it Bryan... He looks at me worriedly. Uhm so our families fixed up a nursery for us at my place i hope its fine with you... Lilly is okay with the move and your mom says she will pick the other two girls up and bring them each morning then spend the day with you till 5 or 6ish and they will head back home... the horses are already there and the girls have been there since seven this morning... its ten so that means they'll be done with their schoolwork and is saddling up the horses as we speak... you have everything sorted... i say surprised at him. you know i'm not the head of my department just with this face... no its because of this brain darling, this man thinks of everything and then some... he brags making me laugh. I look into his eyes and just before i feel myself falling for him i remember the memories of him with that woman... Which made me clear my throat and look away. He sighs and looks ahead. We arrive at his place and the whole family was waiting for us. Your house is more beautiful than i could've imagined... I comment. He stops the truck and takes my hand in his, then looks into my eyes. Our... he says. I look at him confused. our what? He smirks. Its our house... he says and i blush.

We open our doors and climb out. The back door was flung open and my mom takes Skyler and his mom takes Daniel. Go honey, we got this. his mom says and i nod and walk in the massive barn. It was a fancy looking place. The grooms were helping the girls on their Warmblood’s. The grooms look my way and nod and Tony runs up to me. Shaking my hand, congratulating me. Oh and this place he looks around… it’s impressive… thank you Tony and yes it is… it’s actually my first time in here… Then you haven’t seen this... he walks the other end of the stables and open it... I gasp. Its an indoor arena. Serra the one trainer was standing on the one side talking on the phone, when she sees me, she says goodbye and walks up to me and congratulates me and I thank her. The girls rides in then start on their warm up. They were looking good on their horses, it’s been a few months since I've seen them ride and they were looking good Lilly was riding Everest she’s looking good almost back to her old fit self. She jumped over some smaller jumps with her. She’s gotten so much better it took us a while to get here she was a little afraid to jump, so Lilly and i started from scratch with her with poles the small jumps and moved up from there, she’s now up to 1 meter but so far refuses to go over higher… she comments. I nod can I try something? She nods. Lilly jump over that 1.5 meter jump with Everest quickly please… but mom she won’t… just try… she nods and she refuses, Lacey will you get on Everest real quick please she nods and they swop horses. Okay do the same jump for me please, she nods and Everest flies over the jumps. Wow that was amazing… I wish my horse can jump like that!!! Lacey says. Once she’s done my suspicion is confirmed. There you have it; it’s the rider not the horse... I say.  Lilly get back on your horse and try again don’t be afraid that was a freak accident she will be fine when you reach the jump remember your breathing and don’t tense up just breath through it… She nods and tries again but again the horse stops. Okay try again but when you do the countdown to the jump loosen your reigns a little. She tries again. Breathe Lilly!! I say and as she does the horse relaxes to and they breeze through the jump. She squeal’s and hugs Everest. We did it baby!!! She says. Okay now do the whole course and remember what you just did… she nods and starts the course they clear all the jumps. We all shout and clap hands, I sit back and watch them, while they're having the lesson. The other two girls has gotten so much better too I’m impressed. After the lesson I clap my hands saying that they were brilliant. Soon the groom and the two men that I hired run in to rake the place and clearing the jumps out. The girls come out riding their dressage horses they were laughing at what Tom was saying. 

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