"You look really handsome, by the way." Yunho mentions and makes a u-turn to leave the neighbourhood. "I love that beanie of yours especially. Red's your favourite colour?"

Yeosang hears Aisha screaming from his earpods. "Yeah. You look good too, Yunho. "

Wrapping his arms around Yunho's waist as the bike accelerates to the main road, Yeosang inhales the fragrance of his boyfriend's cologne on the leather jacket he wears, excitedly bouncing his feet in the air and rests his head on Yunho's back.


"Dating tricks with Ahn Yoorim and Choi Jongho. Today's laboratory rat, Kang Yeosang on his first date night with his new boyfriend, Jeong Yunho."

The bike takes its spot at the parking lot as Yunho turns off the engine. The two remove their helmets and walks towards the pizza house for their early dinner.

The tiny bell rings when Yunho pushes the glass door open and the aromatic scent of sauces and spices are inhaled into their nose. They enter the partially filled restaurant to line up at the queue where Yeosang could read the menu board above. He turns away from the list of pizza toppings to the chicken dish, smacking his lips at the pictures of drumsticks and wings.

"We're sharing."

"Yeah, not the chicken." As always, Yeosang would show out his petty self whenever it revolves around chicken. "It's mine."

"I meant the pizza." Yunho smiles at him and notices the available counter on the other line and invites Yeosang there to place their order. While Yunho talks at the register, Yeosang hears his name through the call.

"You were stingy."

"I know." Yeosang sighs to Jongho, upset. "I never share my chicken, including him."

"Yunho's gonna lose interest, you should repay him with a little bit of affection."

"And what Jongho means is by flirting."

"Flirting's not my thing." Yeosang snorts, lowering his ego for a second. "Whatever. How do I get his attention without telling him to give me attention?"

"Aisha's flirting trick 1! When your eyes meet, look at him with soft eyes like you're staring at your whole world."

"Because he's huge?"

"No, because the world is beautiful, idiot."

"Ah right. What if I get shy?"

"Yeosang hyung always get shy, but he's good at doing things quietly."

"Damn. Why not try it this way; Check him out. Like, take a slight lean back when he's talking, then stare down his figure reaching just below his knee and back up. Do it in a flirtatious way."

"Could he get shy by checking Yunho out?"

Coincidentally, the taller guy in front of him turns around. "There's additional sauces for you to dip your chickens in. Want them?"

"Really? What are they?" Yeosang asks.

Yunho shows a laminated card listed with various sauces. "There's a new honey sauce they had just released, they recommend you to try it out. Or if you want your favourite barbecue sauce..."

Ignoring whatever his boyfriend says, Yeosang snatches a quick eye contact with him and slowly drifts his gaze downwards, admiring Yunho's perfect body proportion. His deep thoughts lure into dirty fantasizing the more Yeosang checks his boyfriend out, following Aisha's advice to bite his bottom lip and arching his brow while he does it.

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