The Heist of killerhead bridge part 1

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I thought that this title was a better match for what's going to happen in this part on Earth, so anyway like I said previously I'm going to be doing one part on Earth and the other part in the dark lands it just makes things easier than going back and forth between the two so like the first episode of season two the first part is going to be in the real world. Oh small thing apart in this chapter gets a little dark but bear with it please

Toby's point of view

Still down in troll market the day after the bridge was destroyed

We all got together around the table as Claire played the voice recorder explaining Jimbos plan: alright you selected the fact that one of the tribunal has gone rogue to destroy the bridge I don't blame them for wanting to make sure that gunmar doesn't escape but chances are he is what's gonna happen next One of two things. One is that pieces of killer head are going to be separated again although this seems unlikely since thanks for the changlings they were able to gather the pieces so trolls I likely going to say what's stopping them the next time. Number two is there going to put all the pieces together and put them in a place where nobody neither troll nor man could get to that could be anywhere

Claire paused the voice recorder: it's still hard to believe that Jim thought that far ahead and when did he have time to do all this

I shrug: maybe he thought about it during his time in the dark lands I mean that's the thing that makes the most sense to me

We're all in agreement with that fact and we go back to listening to the plan: most likely the pieces are gonna need to be in a place that neither a troll or a human can get to at first I was thinking a volcano but then I remembered that it Gatos keep some trolls were actually bathing in lava so a volcano is out of the picture. Therefore the only option is to place all the pieces in a crate and set it to sea thinking it will be dropped to the bottom of the ocean if this is the case you need to have someone stole away with the pieces someone small like not Enrique or Chomsky.

Claire paused it again: I think we should not Enrique he's been looking for work not to mention I have an idea where Jim is going with this idea

She plays it again: Claire you use your shadow staff to get into where the pieces are the only after it's left troll market and it's being shipped out to sea I don't want anyone getting suspicious

Claire paused it this time aja spoke: i'm assuming that's what you were coming up with as well Claire is it's a good idea but it comes at great risk if you don't get all the pieces out in time want the pressure of your ocean destroy the container or worse you run out of oxygen before you're done?

Blinky agreed: that is unfortunate but I feel that we have no other choice

We're all in agreement and Claire plays it again: okay that's how you can get the bridge but you're gonna need a place to set it up most likely in the woodland area outside of town barely anyone goes there. Also one of the thing I don't know how you can cure Aaarrrggghhh Trollhunters of the past wouldn't tell me but they did say that the answer lies with the cause Blinky maybe you should do some research on the poison that was used creepers son wasn't it

Blinky thought about it for a moment: I will research on it immediately

He then took off into his books searching every single one for any mention of creepers son while the rest of us got back to listening to the recording

The voice recorder: and one last thing I know it was stupid of me to go in alone but I couldn't risk losing another one of you I wanted to just put my life at stake and I am beginning to see that that was a mistake and I'm sorry I will and truly am. Also there's a bit of a time limit on this by now I am either running from gum gums or I've already been captured by them gunmar is most likely going to use me to open the bridge or seek seek his revenge so either he's going to kill me or use me to open the bridge I can't let that happen so if you guys are not able to come and save me within four days I'll have no choice but to kill myself

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now