The riddle and the Spring King

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Okay that title makes very little sense but it was the best thing to come up with and I didn't wanna use the original title so anyway I want to get let you guys know that after this chapter there will be two 3below Episodes the one where they meet Stuart and then after that there will be a spinoff episode of a rematch with the predators. Oh and the reason why this chapter is going to be a short one is because well I don't really like it that much And by that I mean it's my least favourite episode of the entire show other than a hero with 1000 faces that kind of got ridiculous even by my standards but I will still do that episode it just probably might be in a different way but like I said this is a short chapter please forgive me for it I am really busy lately and I don't like this episode so I'm getting it over and done with.

Narrators point of view

Cliff looking over Arcadia where Stricker and angor rot were standing

Angor mesmerised by the light of the small town: this village is on fire

Strickle chuckled at the troll assassins ignorance: no it was a called lights something known as electricity has been created so many advances since you were last out

Angor looks over the Town: The bridge to the Darklands is under this Arcadia?

Strickler walked over to the edge of the cliff and impressed: The bridge will be spoken of no longer The dark on the Lord had his chance now it's my turn to rule

Angor was confused by this action: if you are so determined to rule then why do you need me I specialise in taking out the Trollhunter Not to help Imputes like yourself gain power.

Strickler turned around gleaming  with a cocky smile: well actually I do have a use for you in this town there is a boy and this boy fancies a girl a girl whose brother is in a dark land if the boy manages to get to the dark lands and the nursery you'll see all the other babies that are trapped there and he'll want to save them all, and it's my job to look over my  Brothers and sisters and make sure that doesn't happen

The troll assassin puzzled: but how could flesh bag even contemplate such a task?

The history teacher blurred it out: this boy is the troll hunter it's a long story, however despite his appearance and lack of formal training he is a formidable opponent I didn't think much of him when we first met but he is incredible that is why I require your help I cannot defeat him by myself unfortunately.

This was true Strickler knew that I didn't stand a chance against him in a fair fight especially with his wound that he received from Rex still healing and with Jim is incredible strategy and trick tactics he would likely be defeated within an instant.

Angor still confused: what makes this boy so dangerous that you require angor rot?

Strickler explained: The boy has managed kill the son of gunmar. Not to mention his armour it's like nothing I've seen in any previous Trollhunter he has more weapons than just daylight and he knows how to use each and every one of them. And your regular tactics won't work on him he is capable of sensing when people are looking at him and he is able to hear very small sounds along with your smell you will be able to tell your presence with you just staring at him from the shadows.

Angor more intrigued: how could this boy be so skilled as he did in training since today he was born?

The leader of the Janice order thought about it for a moment I didn't really know how long Jim had been honing his skills for body knew it was definitely before he became the troll hunter.

Strickler: it is hard to say and don't let his disability for you he may be blind but he is highly skilled and he will use the fact that you underestimate him against you. I know your first move in any fight between you and your prey is always to study them first by using a golem however I believe that I may be able to help you learn more about this troll hunter without you exposing any of your tricks at least not at first

The zombie troll I wanted to protest to this idea and Strickler could see that so he raised up his hand with the inferno Copia reminding the assassin who was in charge angor fell silent and nodded his head in agreement despite his want to rip Strickler's arms off and get his ring back

Strickler smiled: good now go to the Janice order there are recordings of the Trollhunters sites that you will watch them until you understand his every move now if you'll excuse me I have to get my new job.

Later down in troll market

After getting the announcement of the Spring King and Queens patrol hunting team went down into troll market. Jim was in an absolute rage fit Strickler had come back and this time he was the principal of the school not to mention he's gone out again with his mother despite the boys warnings and also being nominated for sprinting even though Jim had no interest in being one

Claire trying to calm him down: Jim calm down It's not the end of the world we can figure this out we just need to find what to the elder Trollhunters said about finding a gunmar

Aja joined in and trying to cheer up her friend not to Clares disliking: yes once we find our enemies weakness we will send him to heaven

Toby corrected the girl: it's actually send them to hell

Krel Reading a book on the language: Well I think I can read some words of the stone creatures language still do we have any idea what the weakness of this gun gun king is

That was the reason they were down and heading to Blinkys library only to find that link he was in a bit of a excited yet tired frenzy of information. He kept claiming he found it but before the Team could ask He then burned a book and from the flames of the burn rose a riddle

Jim: tell me take a picture of this and send it to Krel, Krel use the mothership to see if she can I figure out the riddle is Blinky what does it say

Blinky then repeated the words in the middle while Jim was recording him saying that the riddle did claim that they could prevail which meant win the problem was what did they need to find. Blinky had a theory that the riddle was mentioning three stones of legends that were tied to gunmar past

Jim: kind of makes sense, but what are the stones of legends

Blinky explained as he got three books out from his shelf and carried one in each of his hands: they are three stones of legend that were tied to gumanr  life I every time he did something that impacted his character there was a stone left as a memory supposedly

Claire: so all we need to do is collect the stones find out what to do with them and then we can go and rescue my baby brother

Aja sounded mean but she didn't mean it to be mean: I think that's what he just said Claire

Claire glared at aja thinking that she had insulted her if she didn't hate the Queen in waiting she certainly did now.

Okay that's it for this chapter I know it was short and probably not as good as you were hoping for but quite honestly I wanna make angor A little bit like taskmaster from black widow he examines his opponents moves and then use it against them oh and another quick thing that I forgot to mention at the start is that Rex is getting an upgrade I won't say what it is and you will have to wait a while to find out. But I will leave you with a hint of when it's going to happen let's just say that Blinky isn't the only one that's going to be transforming however Rex will be taking a more monstrous approach

Anyway don't forget to leave a vote comment if you haven't already add the story to your reading list and I hope to see you next time

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